Frage von hi8freak:
Hi experts ...
I come over here it here in the hope of getting a good answer to my question. Namely:
I like to edit, if auchmit simple means (movie maker etc) and a normal Hi8Camera a few films. So that everything went smooth, but after some update I have the following problem. I have two cables (I tried it with both), one thing is Svideo (on Page, the yellow camera) and for the composite RCA jack (on Page of the PC) and another cable which also s.Pc to composite and comes s.der Camera in the avout. The Movie Maker synonymous find the camera, all good, but when I want to take of the camera, I just get a Black and white picture, no color. This occurs when two cables. And when I put the time in the yellow is a color TV set top image. Why not on the PC? If so determined s.einer video or digital camera setting, but which? I know because in such a way that it has with PAL (da gibs one thousand settings) or sonswas do?
Would be very grateful to have response.
Until then, Robin
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Robin,
with the headline "Important (probably stupid) question" feel usually addressed only those who can not help you. ;-)
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Sinnfreie Titelzeilen and (Mehrfach-)Postings (-> Punkt 4)
Welche Schnittstelle benutzt Du zum Capturen analogen Videomaterials? Könnte es sein, dass eine falsche Fernsehnorm eingestellt ist?
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Not a proper TV reception
Antwort von hi8freak:

Moin moin ...
Yes, sry for the title, and thank you for the changes endorsed.
So I dunno exactly what you mean with that interface, but I stick (no preference which of the 2 cables I use), the PC-end into the yellow "composite" connector. Are intended for both synonymous jack on the PC page. Then I'll probably only a few other settings, then try out.
Thank trozdem, until then, Robin