Frage von Bruno Peter:404ERR
Antwort von Jan:
Hello Bruno,
VideoaktivD. saw the same as you. The tested HC 1wollte not even jump, but then after a new Windows Update contain old (just before what appeared to be)
The graphics card should, however, for HDV editing already have 256 MB + PCI Express interface. The installation almost 2GB of space are already Brash Pinnacle.
Unfortunately, smeared it on the PC s.wenn s.and SmartMovie stopped or in the timeline when trimming HDV material.
Well as an emergency program can use HDV mans.
Antwort von domain:
Have been trying to install the 10.1.2 patch to Studio10. Thereafter, the mouse (interrupt graphics work?) Reproducibly with 2 different Nvidia drivers (including 81.87) within the studio window, but (even outside), not more. At least let the original version to restore.
Does anybody know workaround?
LG domain
Antwort von Mäxchen010:
What settings do you have to make because if you want to edit a video stored on the hard drive with Studio 10?
For me it always comes the message:
"The Video File E: \ DVD 4xxx.avi could not be opened."
With Studio 9, I can open and edit all my Vidiodateien.