Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Pinnacle Studio 11 Pros of rudi - 28 May 2007 10:54:00 >
Now it's once again. The developers of Avid / Pinnacle Igniting the eleventh update of the popular stage studio editing program. For us a reason to once again reinzuschauen what it has done.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Report Netter, Rudi. About AVCHD, we had already been long and widely discussed.
Question: what's missing to me here, are apparently very good authoring skills, and is synonymous for HD-DVD on standard DVDs. Do you have these things mitgetestet? Currently the software is as yet quite uniquely positioned - Other software companies are there only seems to follow suit.
Antwort von Teletubbie:

Unfortunately, as synonymous with the bright design Magix enforced.
Magix When you can own it but due to a busy
Forum members on the dark Magixwebseite to switch!
Antwort von fotoralf:

Bright design has its good physiological reasons. When word was written earlier so once synonymous white on black background, from today's terrible.
Optimally are light gray background, so to speak, to the oaks of the eye for color in the preview window.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Since Studio 11, still only supports two video tracks, are even smaller compositing is not possible. Two video tracks,
plus a Titlerspur and Slashcam compositing even the smallest can not be realized?
Komme stop drop @ Rudi, I show you how to do it ...
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
However we saw in the test period, but one or the other crashes. So we froze the program once the HD-WMV or simply export it simply immediately closed during the work. Who with Core2 CPU works and instability in his system, the times should ask about the
video meeting
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

General information on the "Slashcam test" ...
This is not a test, someone is mal "drübergeflogen" on the NLE and he calls his contribution to "test" ...
Antwort von Valentino:
General information on the "Slashcam test" ...
This is not a test, someone is mal "drübergeflogen" on the NLE and he calls his contribution to "test" ... Always these people just can mekern. Bruno if you have a better test of Studio 11 hinbekommen and then still free to provide it then please do, but spare this forum with your petty comments. It is already clear, the man with two tracks and a text track compositing can be smaller, but much is really not possible with it. Quite apart from which a large part of the audience did not know what is compositing.
Antwort von Babapapa:

Always these people just can mekern. [...]
Quite apart from which a large part of the audience did not know what is [...]. Did the Zodiac in the News klugscheißerisch are synonymous and about everything else white. Gaaanz obviously a large number in the industry, so never contradict someone. :-D
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
However, Pinnacle has to ask themselves what good cutter today Over 3D transitions (and if so, for what!) Is used. Why should something as Pinnacle ask themselves?
If the tester does not recognize that HFX with a full 3D editor will be delivered and the creativity that's not only on Clipübergänge but all clips can be implemented in 3D?
A minus point to the next "test" ...
Antwort von wolfgang:

Bruno if you have a better test of Studio 11 hinbekommen and then still free to provide it then please do, but spare this forum with your petty comments.
I do not know if critical comments are irrelevant. Why should someone's opinion on a test may not write? Rudi holds that, since I am now quite sure.
And yes Bruno otherwise operates an extensive website relating to video. Maybe we'll read it take a more extensive test, perhaps not synonymous. His thing.
It is certainly true that the test discussed here is briefly summarized. But that is synonymous clear that not everything in the test can be included. I'd like about what to authoring capabilities known - but it's not included in the test. Na and?
The essential Ergebenis is apparent that these synonymous Beginners Software slow to what mausert. According to numerous performance problems certainly synonymous occasionally poorly maintained PCs synonymous aspect should be Tevez. The playback for AVCHD performance is obviously good. The interface is designed for beginners and easy to understand - what has always been a strength of the Studio software was. DAS ist doch mal ein essential message, I think.
So let it out the church in the village.
Antwort von embee:

So when a new software to crash repeatedly during testing, and already of the previous version was known, then I can just read Conclusion: Poor to INSUFFICIENT!
I have once bought Pinnacle 10 Studio, which is now in the cabinet because it is unstable. And probably the new version again.
Banana Software - matures at the customer ...
Antwort von wolfgang:

Yes, because you have right - this is probably the most serious criticism s.dieser software. Stability needed for serious work must stop.
I even have time nor the Studio 7 software is a major zerschossen Project - that was in my own early days of digital video editing. And that was with a reason to switch to other products.
Schade, already of the version 10 we actually had heard that this point would have been better.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Yes, because you have right - this is probably the most serious criticism s.dieser software. I now have an HDV project consists of three bands finished. Have all the possibilities
Ultima Studio 11 offers used. Did it not a single crash, no freeze experienced. I had in version 10.7 are not synonymous. Why should that happen synonymous, have a special Videoschntt PC, Word is no computer. So I use for DV editing proven hardware and I work under W-XP Prof with SP2 plus latest compatible drivers and compatible graphics card. The PC never works s.seiner performance limit, it is therefore synonymous not hang himself. In addition to Studio 11 Ultimate, I have the NLE Premiere Pro 2, After Effects 6.5 and Edius Pro 3 and a series of video-assistance tools and a Media Center connection via cable network for Pinnacle ShowCenter 200 with it.
I can understand your criticism s.Studio 11 Pros / Ultimate unfortunately not understand.
Antwort von embee:

Interestingly, the software that you so strongly defend.
But you do not think that this condition:
"Why should that happen synonymous, have a special Videoschntt PC, Word is no computer."
too much for a "Normalo software" for 99 EUR? Who should be because it can afford?
Such software must be on every "Normalo PC" to run and may simply not crash. How often crashes because my Word or Excel from? Almost never do, maybe once every few months.
Just as often as may be synonymous video software crash - otherwise they are good for nothing. This is simply a prerequisite for software, as all important features.
Antwort von Babapapa:

How PS11 and then behave in particular PS11.1 really is, you can currently experience of about 2 has not yet assessed.
Only when more users to express their experiences can make a picture, but still added that the postings from a forum as such are not representative, because often only speak to those who have problems. And that is beginner-PS11 more likely than professionals, the longer cut.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
"Normalo PC" l You mean this is not about stuttering PC's?
How often crashes because my Word or Excel from? Almost never do, maybe once every few months. Word and Excel are with me
have never crashed!
I defend nothing, I reported about my experience with S11 Ultimate!
Antwort von Holze:

I am now since Studio 8 with the programs of Pinnacle.Nicht always, everything was great and there was synonymous to the one or the other weakness (especially Studio 10!) But you must always be synonymous price / performance ratio to see!
Now owned by Studio 11 Ultimate - can someone tell me how to import the DVD without error-how? When I think of old movies on DVD video (via Pannasonic disk recorder) and dubbed into Pinnacle had wanted to import was always the message "Unknown error" and Studio 11 "is hung on?
When I use a long time ago burned DVD (the studio with 9 / 10 was handled) Imortieren wanted to appeal and this worked flawlessly!?
This was synonymous with Studio 10 and so I thought (hoped) it is now in the Studio 11 would work - but unfortunately wrong thought.
The lady from the Pinnacle Support synonymous knew no advice? (Well, call the s.and times you will see that there is not necessarily the most competent people sit - and unfortunately it was only broken German synonymous ...?)
Perhaps an expert here so I can give any advice - would be very grateful!
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

So I put the DVD into the drive, click on File / Import DVD titles, it's a window where I select the Video TS folder and the title loss is with the transfer to the hard drive at Studio 11 Ultimate .
Antwort von Holze:

Yes, it works so synonymous with me - but only with DVD `s previously created with Pinnacle wurden.So soon I import a DVD and want to edit, which means I've taken my recorder (video or analog camcorders of films - of course nothing copy protection) does nothing - just hangs on Pinnacle?!
Antwort von Georg:

Which recorder and which format is available? When S11 is synonymous for "File - Import media unit of" capture files. Possibly missing the AC3 codec?
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
copy-protected Well, the times to read Page 29 of the S11 operating instructions, ...
using my recorder Times have the format of your recording with the capabilities of Studio 11 Syndicate ...
The DVDs with my DVD Recorder Panasonic DMR-EH60 has been drawn, are of S11 read correctly ...
but only with DVD `s previously with Pinnacle So my DVDs from the Topfield receivers I eg with DVR-Studio author I can also capture in S11
Antwort von Holze:

First of all thank you for your feedback!
I do create the DVD with the Panasonic DVD recorder DMR-EH52.Tja and then whether this is in AC3 format, I do not know: - /
In the studio manual mentions this one could acquire an activation code - someone knows where and how?
Thank you ...
Antwort von Holze:

Another small note:
I use Philips DVD + R blanks for my Panasonic DMR-EH52.Spielt possibly synonymous recording mode (XP, SP, LP, EP) have a role and if so - what is suitable?
Since it worked for you, Bruno, with your Panasonic does have it synonymous with me :-( fold - or am I just stupid?
Antwort von Holze:

So, after a long time ago and that I have now found the solution! I always used DVD + R Media - now I have one DVD - R Tested and behold - it works :-)
Also I have an entry in the registry changed since Nero my LightScribe drive not erkannte.Nun it again - and as a great side effect recognizes my studio now synonymous DVD + R to import?!
Antwort von Ipu:

Even at the risk that I like to begin doing unpopular ...
Bruno, you will find not a few "characters" of this so you deuced tests "educated ignorance" (in good German: Specialist idiot ...) if you misjudge with a calculator for Euro3500, - trying the stability of a Euro99, -- Beginners software to show ...?
I believe that I
have any of the software
urgently advise exactly what is not
yours, and only your system wants to call his own ...
Just a good software makes a gerüttet degree from s.Kompatibilität. And not just with you and your system, but with different systems of the target group for which the software was actually designed, or at least should be.
It should not be buying criterion which you want to do something but rather what you can do with it, of course, the minimum hardware requirements already fulfilled and the system perfectly with its least satisfying.
Such systems as "stuttering PC" to describe my feelings bordered on at least s.Engstirnigkeit, if not s.Ignoranz.
Because do you like in the field of video editing as a freak nor be better than your hardware can you not synonymous, and if so must be chosen seems to me the software for the masses not to suck.
Gruß, IPU
PS: I drive my system pers with various software in different application fields (video, graphics, music and jawoll, synonymous games because there are better hardware tests do not actually exist ...) and my calculator "stutter" is not for audio - and / or video editing or play ... only with PS11 "hooks" he somewhat. Now the calculator seems to not suck, since only 99.8% of all software (with some much higher system requirements ...) is running. Or perhaps simply fits and moving the software to my system ... possibly even the grounds of incompatibility, which seems rather against the software is expected to speak ...
Antwort von BestHST:

Good test.
But as it looks, with the presentation with screen resolution of 1024x768, in Storboard ViewPicture? Is Pinnacle Studio 11,
2 rows or 3Reihen.
I soon Pinnacle Studio 11 Ultimate.
Now I have Pinnacle Studio10Plus, with update 10.7
Work always with this bildschrimauflösung 1024x768.
I had the update for 10.8 Pi St 10 installed but there were only 2Reihen the storyboard, I clipfenster size to small.
My TFT screen has a 4:3, I do not have a 16:9 screen.
I hope in the Pinnacle Studio 11 for all screen resolution, all 3 rows are displayed in Storyboard view.
Antwort von Franke:

On the subject of Pinnacle crashes, I would like the following. Bruno Peter has with his statement "why should this happen synonymous, have a special DV editing PC" quite right. A video editing software at times requires special conditions in order to function properly can. There are the system of Pinnacle Studio Pro 11, or any other video editing software, to be considered. For years it is known that security software like Norton USDI video editing software and a very strong influence on the "freezing" or even can lead to a crash. Other programs are not quite as indifferent. Why do I need synonymous for DV editing an Internet connection or as Microsoft Word? A "Eierlegendewollmilchsau" is currently not getting. Here is just a decision and asked about this, there is just the way with a separate hard drive for DV editing, or a separate PC for this activity.
Video editing software should be on a separate hard drive installed. On the next run should be nothing, just as this editing program and oh wonder, all the alleged problems are suddenly resolved. The program responds as it has provided the Manufacturer. A separate PC for video editing is the most elegant solution and at current prices for about 700 euros to get. I myself am a few years ago of Casablanca on Pinnacle changed. I have a 2nd PC for video editing and have increased since no problems.
If only my original opinion.
Greeting Franke
Antwort von snowy:

Good test.
But as it looks, with the presentation with screen resolution of 1024x768, in Storboard ViewPicture? Is Pinnacle Studio 11,
2 rows or 3Reihen.
I soon Pinnacle Studio 11 Ultimate.
Now I have Pinnacle Studio10Plus, with update 10.7
Work always with this bildschrimauflösung 1024x768.
I had the update for 10.8 Pi St 10 installed but there were only 2Reihen the storyboard, I clipfenster size to small.
My TFT screen has a 4:3, I do not have a 16:9 screen.
I hope in the Pinnacle Studio 11 for all screen resolution, all 3 rows are displayed in Storyboard view.
Antwort von Alfthe1st:

So I do not know what your always here with you of your stability. I am leaving here the 10.8 on an older system with 3.0 GHz of Intel ProZ, with 1.5 with DDR 400 MHz and a 512 MB graphics card with ATI RADEON X1600, and two 500 GB SATA I disks of Samsung and had to a small mistake at the start of his studio 10.6 (now 10.8) has not had a crash.
I do not understand.
Antwort von hgreimann:

I too have S111.1 under Vista32 with the HDV data with application of the SonyHC1 no stability problems. However, there is a hitherto unresolved problem: the Declic additional effects Liese up 181 Effect flawlessly in and install nutezen. Effect From 182, the thumbnails in the album, black, the effects s.sich work. Strikingly, after the installation of the Effects of S11 at the start the Fehlermeldug "XML parser error 7, Line 1" is. All functions of the program to run properly, however. Vista is up to date, desgl. MS XML engine.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

Wende Dich s.Declic ...
Antwort von katikula:

> Just a good software makes a gerüttet degree from s.Kompatibilität. And not
> Only with you and your system, but with different systems of the target group for
> What the software was actually designed, or at least should be.
> It should not be buying criterion which you want to do something but rather what you
> To do it, obviously, the minimum hardware requirements
> Already met and the system perfectly with its least satisfying.
This opinion, I can only connect, which surely can not be true that a "strictly PC DV editing needs, the universality of the device is precisely his trademark. I have certainly not questionable crap on the plate and still processed Studio 11 Pros and quite simply no AVCHD material, even though my hardware meets minimum thickness requirements. Here I have only 1280x720. At 1920x1080 everything from crashes. A bit slow it may well be, but in principle it is not of the hotline and I just get tips Daus (eg graphics card driver update, because too old, is simply not true, they just can not read Msinfo32 logfile). Studio 9 has up to version 9.4 used to be a reasonably stable system has become. Meanwhile, there are patch 11.1.1, which still does not solve problems. Annoying now especially that I have the material of my new camera the first with any conversion program of MPEG transform in order to be able to cut it. (For MGEPs 1280x720 suddenly extends the performance). That was not the sense of the camera purchase. Do I still have patience.
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
A video editing software at times requires special conditions in order to function properly can. There are the system of Pinnacle Studio Pro 11, or any other video editing software, to be considered.
I think because you go out of false premises. Pinnacle is in the 100-euro-Class sold (because of course, play with other synonymous). In this class treat you
not just as an extra cut-PC, not for 700 euros for a multiple thereof. That must be the "normal" PC (safely equipped with power line - no matter) all participate.
And since it can not simply be that even the example of Pinnacle in the system requirements mentioned graphics cards do not work, as here, a few days ago posted.
Such claims may s.einen PC in my opinion, rather the two thousand-euro class, which for certain Calculator is certified (and then synonymous but really works!).
Immanuelkant has such a calculator for this (if I have the right to keep ) can configure and
no problems. I had, despite a
clean office PC with sufficient steam runtergeworfen Pinnacle finally, because I was tired of the hassle.
What is anger? Search here and after "rendering" and "hangs". Affected? Virtually all versions of Pinnacle.
Video editing software should be on a separate hard drive installed. On the next run should be nothing, just as this editing program and oh wonder, all the alleged problems are suddenly resolved.
Not true! It is entirely for the stability of sausage, where you have the software to install the calculator, of course, merits its own directory.
Exkurs ;-) Like any Windows program synonymous use graphics programs to shared libraries that are part of Microsoft and are part of the operating system, but synonymous of third-party manufacturers to be installed. These DLLs are usually the core of evil.
These shared files can be found almost exclusively in \ WINDOWS or less in \ SYSTEM \ SYSTEM32. The references then encode programmer so:% Windows% or% SYSTEMDRIVE%. When the operating system on C: is installed, the libraries are
always loaded of there.
Where the calling program is ... this is no preference.
Why are the common DLLs a source of error? Some programmers are too stupid or too lazy to an already existing version during installation to check whether they new or older than the version is brought. Thus, new DLLs have been replaced by old ... routines by installing a well-known to be faulty video software, for example ... *)
I have a 2nd PC for video editing and have increased since no problems.
As I said in the price category may
not condition, that's really the wrong target.
In other ... there are in the 100-euro-Class synonymous Programs that reside on a calculator of the rod is not nearly as bitchy queue.
BG, Andreas
*) Where I know? I did my studies in part with the object-oriented programming of application software financing (CA Visual Objects).
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
I have certainly not questionable crap on the plate and still processed Studio 11 Pros and quite simply no AVCHD material, even though my hardware meets minimum thickness requirements. Here I have only 1280x720. At 1920x1080 everything from crashes. Just as for version 10.7 ... because it worked with HDV output only to 720 in 1080 either crashes or ... nothing ... not even ne error.
could be - as I have after uninstalling learned somewhere - on the supposedly small memory of the graphics card have been ... when a graphics card, which corresponded to the system (on the subject there is a relatively new thread). [sarcasm on] The support was of course extremely helpful. [sarcasm off]
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Andreas_Kiel:
During the registration process is the Pinnacle of ungracious Page: Despite an individual serial number is no indication of personal data an additional plugin and denied it is also suggested that not all features will be up and running.
Infringement of competition in software sales: program lock in software to collect personal user data
1. It is misleading sense of the UWG § 3, if the acquirer of a computer program before the acquisition is not noted is that (...) a registration by transmission of personal data (name, address, phone number, etc.) to eliminate one (... ) Program lock is required.
2. The distributor of the program is also immoral sense of the UWG § 1, because it is the lock of the program's outgoing predicament on the part of the acquirer to exploit this in order to transmit their personal data to them. The fact that this predicament for the purchase of the program is not the cause, is responsible for the application of § 1 UWG irrelevant, since the free will decision of the user program illegally influenced, in order - no contractual or legal claim to this - whose personal data for promotional purposes to be able to use . Well ... when the first competitor (or a consumer research center?) probably because the first warning sends ...
BG, Andreas
Antwort von Alpemwixer:

I have a naked anna gecuttet and wixe is always great.
Antwort von Der Beste Filmemacher:

hello fans. equal to one times anticipated. I think Your opinions and tests very great, but I'm in a different league than you. I am of the opinion that there is something a lot of wannabe herumdümpelt vegetables and has no idea. but I can do everything because I'm the best.
when one has asked me to ask, I'm the German Spielberg honk her.
wünsch viel spass all but we have a job or hobby Tolen ok bye green horns.
ralph Karden of mountaineering
Antwort von immanuelkant:

... So this thread is really nothing more value, in accordance with the petty stuff and nonsense of this is widespread.
Changes nothing but truth, that at me Pinnacle Studio 11 for months and I am super runs a movie after another cut. Bin with a video editing program has never been so happy as now!
Antwort von Ohaoha:
... So this thread is really nothing more value, in accordance with the petty stuff and nonsense of this is widespread.
Changes nothing but truth, that at me Pinnacle Studio 11 for months and I am super runs a movie after another cut. Bin with a video editing program has never been so happy as now! Well, in HD "SonyHDR-FX1E"
and with an absolute low budget PC that is configured exactly minimal, for S11
"Q6600, 8GB RAM, Asus P5 de luxe, 2TB HD dav. 1 TB Video RAID0 PowerColor X1950pro 512
Vista Home Premium 64 bit "
I believe there are many problems that S11, which (for Pinnacle) nor too many users try to cut PAL. Or want to work with XP, 32 bit.
Holding power problems, wanting to be a pioneer and still 2 OS platforms cover!
With me running S11 in many cases very useful, and in others not at all usable.
Meanwhile, I am cold but because I am in search of what compatible'm gone. And as long as I build halt with S11 and S9, and quite comical in Mpeg still synonymous with S8.
Antwort von immanuelkant:
Well, in HD "SonyHDR-FX1E"
and with an absolute low budget PC that is configured exactly minimal, for S11
"Q6600, 8GB RAM, Asus P5 de luxe, 2TB HD dav. 1 TB Video RAID0 PowerColor X1950pro 512
Vista Home Premium 64 bit "
... This is my 4th Video editing computer. I had previously never been a really fast and stable system, even though I meet the minimum requirements of various software (Ulead, Premiere, Liquid), had ever met.
I have always believed that the "silly" software that makes the problems (which is why I am a product after another durchprobiert did - but without the software to find that my claim s.Stabilität and productivity are met).
But I think the software is only indirectly the stability of the problem. Instability is the direct DV editing mainly through lack of resources (permanent full load in all components) in the hardware generated. Therefore, rather with the hardware a bit more to spend!
I have experienced this time DV editing PC entrusted Bauer, mainly due to insufficient hardware resources emphasis and my function has Stabiltätsgarantie u.. I did not regretted that the PC this time was slightly more expensive. But 1.300 EUR (3 months ago) was worth it to me. And I have not regretted it: frustration-free DV Editing - a completely new feeling!
Conclusion: better to go with the hardware a bit more to spend!
Antwort von Ohaoha:
"I have experienced this time DV editing PC entrusted Bauer, mainly due to insufficient hardware resources emphasis and my function and has Stabiltätsgarantie. I did not regretted that the PC this time was slightly more expensive. But 1300 EUR (3 months ago) was worth it to me. And I have not regretted it: frustration-free DV Editing - a completely new feeling!
Conclusion: better to go with the hardware a bit more to spend! " Wiederspricht not my evaluation, unfortunately wiederspricht only that which is for example Pinnacle at S11 as Mindestkonfig. indicates. To do that, because only NEN PC for 500 euros. Und nen PC for ¬ 1000 +, so that only the 89 Eueo software is running, many of them would put themselves through all the software to buy.
Thus, I see the error in Pinnacle, which suggest the 0815-user, the Christmas gift ne Cam got it with the simplest stuff works!
And the opposite of that runs through each forum, synonymous in the English language, in which I had previously compatriots!
Have fun working with the S11, but please try one of times (I do not think it goes with you, in spite of 1300 ¬ PC for video!):
Join the MPG of times Backyardcirkus (material that comes with the DVD), Delete all times, except for the first 30 seconds
behind the pack as menu "Birthday" (balloons) and create 3 chapters, so every 10 seconds of a, first Frame begins on 1st
(Can synonymous menu before it s.Ende and move to the rear, no preference)
And then try this 42 sec Project to burn!
Poste please ignore the error message and them. The DVD file to function, please check and post the results!
And then try in the second start times :-), mark the first chapter 1 frame to the right (on frame 2) to move. (It's only when you are either over frame 30 and then also move back to Frame 2, or possibly on the title bar). Then the burn and share with, how many chapters of the player (hard / soft) indicates, although there are only 3!
Would be nice if you would, and so I (unfortunately) confirm that it is independent from the system not funzt!
Thanks in advance (but again thank you afterwards, certainly!)
Antwort von Ohaoha:

what change, and then ....!
Could someone post the last stand for, and the two before, and this here, delete bite!
Thank you very much!
Edit from Mod: Your own posts can edit only logged on users. I have the previous two (s.sich identical) posts deleted.
Antwort von immanuelkant:
Wiederspricht not my evaluation, unfortunately wiederspricht only that which is for example Pinnacle at S11 as Mindestkonfig. indicates. To do that, because only NEN PC for 500 euros. Und nen PC for ¬ 1000 +, so that only the 89 Eueo software is running, many of them would put themselves through all the software to buy.
...... Yes, but that is no problem of Pinnacle or 89 EUR (Ultimate is actually a tiny bit more expensive). I have had with Ulead, Premiere and Liquid Edition 6.1. (this is now an expensive professional tool) synonymous fundamental stability problems, although I always meet the minimum requirements were met. The NMM is a fundamental problem of the lack of honesty of the software manufacturer.
Join the MPG of times ... Backyardcirkus would be nice if you would, and so I (unfortunately) confirm that it is independent from the system not funzt!
Thanks in advance (but again thank you afterwards, certainly!)
Gruesse sorry, I have at the moment no more time for fun and because I have some movies for me that I in recent months with the old calculator is no longer cut liked ... ;-)
Antwort von Ohaoha:

A pity that you do not have time for the short test to the error message "Project is too big" for 42 sec Distances total hast!
But maybe have other times reading the time and the desire to try it!
(Ultimate is actually a tiny bit more expensive) Yes, minor 7 euros, but only if no upgrade kit is pursued. And then for 3 additions, of which the Geraeuschseife to an extreme effort required to "enabled" to be (if you do not Interet s.deinen Video Converter lets), the other problems, if you Lan, wireless modem and searched, and it itself, even if permanently disabled assemblies, always a different MAC address looks at the start and then after re-activation of screams!
Antwort von Werner Küster:

As far as I understand it was to test the 11 Pros.
I would like to see concrete examples s.denen the following contributions are based.
Antwort von Ohaoha:

quote] As far as I understand it was to test the 11 Pros.
I would like to see concrete examples s.denen the following contributions are based. [/ Quote]
Well, the test was just "hingerotzt", then, many others follow, hold the S11 as a test would have to be overcome, and it is not the case with the (?) Market leader in this price segment vergraetzen want. But it's not so synonymous New, where appropriate, attempt to at least some of the "forum famous" followed by error, or better still (unfortunately synonymous often difficult, at least on PC's with 'recommended minimum performance'), to rebut. Because as a selling point (figuratively speaking) "works on cucumber Office", but then not even stable in Pal on minimum recommendation for HD, should already have a clear Kiterium "adapted" his assessment!
And if u know now watch what Fehlerbeseitigungs'liste 'recently delivered at 2 Update is offered (ONLY improved AVCHD compatibility), then the synonymous provides Fehlerbeseitungsfreudigkeit least from this version. And that suggests once again pointed out the 12 for the speedy coming, because errors during the development of well-off are inexpensively than in a Bugbeseitigung.
And then puts the price, if I every year with a new version of a software purchase must be at least the functions of the latest version or even better to be able to use! And then usually only synonymous to aktellen 'Office cucumber', which usually can be significantly more than last year!
I prefer it because, when products are error free before it is the successor product! But since I moved with the studio software, at least, of Pinnacle, rather Worse advice.
Or is it in "was to test the 11 pros" about the Ultima is turned off? :-) S11plus Ultima, I would say.
A test of the (provocative) any contrary experiences can generate a lot of criticism. And this (examples) with the menu behind the movie, or menu invisible, or with the quality of the rendering at high resolution Still Image's, or the (often) defective display the auto scene detection (last previous frame clip as a preview picture of current clip), sound editing away at or, or, or, it is not only inexperience with (except the software purchase) the user or the lack of performance of the PC's coverage. If explicitly made by Pinnacle in respect of components of non-parking problems, then the studio Kompatbiltitaetsproblem, which is a test software as a mass, at least 1 years later in a subsequent evaluation should be. Like a list of known (and necessary) workarounds. And keep in mind should be, for testing the next version, then there is something intense hingeschaut will not install (again?) Lasts longer than the verification of the functionality.
Perhaps it was synonymous times greatly help to test only on a "minimum configuration PC" in order to determine how good / bad sold the beta this time!
And if I think about what Vorgaengerversionen still without 'Final-patch', so have been left unfinished, synonymous, I wonder why this (so far) business practice is not even mentioned. Especially for the inexperienced user know what he might have set. And since the facts are provable, seems the 'maximum' to any modifications of the manufacturer to follow his development, because the definition is finally on sales! The official at the Pinnacle Bugbeseitigungsliste FAQ Page (unfortunately only up to S9, as set support) speaks volumes as synonymous
What did / wrote more recently someone?
"... Softwarekaeufer have fewer rights than the purchaser of a pencil. ...." (or similar)
But only if the vast majority of buyers from such behavior derives no consequences!
My result is: I "care" to me the next version to try somewhere for free and decide after my own test, whether with the performance of the software is mature enough to get money out. If not,
Antwort von immanuelkant:

A test of the (provocative) any contrary experiences can generate a lot of criticism. And this (examples) with the menu behind the movie, or menu invisible, or with the quality of the rendering at high resolution Still Image's, or the (often) defective display the auto scene detection (last previous frame clip as a preview picture of current clip), sound editing away at or, or, or, it is not only inexperience with (except the software purchase) the user or the lack of performance of the PC's coverage. .... All four errors are - measured s.meiner Bedarfs-/Nutzungsstruktur - marginal. Only the last two errors are geannten me in my practice 3monatigen even noticed - but do not bother me really, because easy and routine to bypass (eg # 266728) and None in the way "produktionsverhindernd.
As I said, all in all it is for me in connection with my hardware configuration is the most stable and productive of video editing solution that I ever had.
And let's be honest - we all read in this forum with - what (DV editing) software is completely bug-free?
I do not sing the Song of Songs on Pinnacle Studio 11th Everyone must have the software, which fits to him. After playing just their own ideas of ergonomics, workflow, functional requirements and hardware play an important role in the satisfaction with one of the many solutions s.Markt. I know of at least four other Lösoungen from the practical work.
If explicitly made by Pinnacle in respect of components of non-parking problems, then the studio Kompatbiltitaetsproblem, which is a test software as a mass, at least 1 years later in a subsequent evaluation should be. .... Yes, I had the problem but so far with other software products synonymous. That is holding the competition, one of these nonsensical claims "runs on each cucumber" leads. I have - as I do not synonymous to the promise of cleaner advertising believe that the new "Putzsoblank" after opening the bottle of course the whole apartment is clean - a healthy skepticism and my entwicklt practical consequences in the action taken (see hardware).
Quite apart from: Basically run the solutions do so mostly with the minimum requirements - but not really stable and performant. In this respect, it is really only a lower minimum, what with "minimum" is displayed. Who is already any Windows operating system with the minimum hardware requirement ;-)
Here is a concrete example relating to incompatibility: After looking at the minimum requirements would have Pinnacle Studio 11 with ATI HD 2600XT run thick. Indeed, they are not (here the thread about this # 260879).
The fact is that, when / the previous generations of these ATI cards at the time of appearance of PS11 on the market were no problems there and everything worked. The new generation of ATI cards, but then had problems with the PS11.
Question: Who has caused this incompatibility? Pinnacle or ATI?
I have trouble with the ATI and Pinnacle support eingekippt.
ATI / AMD has (after 10 days!), Mutatis mutandis, replied that it is generally not about compatibility issues with various software products in this price class tickets would care.
The Pinnacle support, however, sat down immediately with the problem apart, bordered with me the error that recommended a workaround and promised that with ATI because of the Fixings in contact.
There was a support of s.antwortete, b) with my problem actually address the issue (not just pre mails returned) and c) does not in principle from the increased responsibility. The experience is now synonymous not regularly, if you support the use of a software company ....
So I'm generally happy and whole.
Antwort von bento124:
Question: Who has caused this incompatibility? Pinnacle or ATI? If the hardware is specifically designed for Studio 11?
If Studio 11 for as many hardware configurations advertised?
If these incompatibilities of Studio11 meanwhile disposed of AVID?
I do believe other, which is a question of who should provide compatibility, rhetoric was!
Antwort von immanuelkant:
Question: Who has caused this incompatibility? Pinnacle or ATI?
I do believe other, which is a question of who should provide compatibility, rhetoric was! Yes, Mr. Anonymous guest.
And yet no one can almost clairvoyant its software for future hardware designs to develop ...
Antwort von Anonymous Gast:
And yet no one can almost clairvoyant its software for future hardware designs to develop ... Where indeed synonymous None, then the only way to and in "bad luck" to the user selling, which is not philosophical, Her Kant, this is bad style! A software will never be flawless, if the manufacturer as well as to concentrate the next version, because it almost in rhythm to offer a new version to keep the price low and still be able to generate revenue.
And believe me, I've synonymous "some" experience with the studio, more than 3 months, and synonymous slightly more than 4 projects done itself with S11.
Although I am in possession of a synonymous Liquid 6, after which I would very briefly S7 (brhhh), and eternal problems with S8, outdated. The came to me just not really used because I am almost at the same time as synonymous to the first test 9plus got. And because of 9.3 in (came with the DVD) is almost good / stable ran, and on my former editing system with the 9.3.5 then very good (9.4ER TO MAKE IT AGAIN SCHLECHTER, with me), and synonymous to the following two , I stayed at S! S10 was the test of something by, and mostly because I always "less is more" edit, S9 offers me basically in Pal everything I need.
And if not, the S11 better Verteilmoeglichkeit on various boards for render and would have to compile so much faster comes to DVD, I would whole nonsense synonymous sA ... pass. S11 would then decay, and I would sleep!
But it is unfortunately not possible (SYSTEMUNABHAENGIG), a DVD with menu behind the film and 1 chapter (mark) on the first frame to make. And unfortunately this is the best option if you want to create a movie, the car anlauft in which the grandmother is not synonymous only 20 minutes watching the menu and then call "but that is a strange film, 4 images at once, it can be synonymous individually and in large watch? "
And the Szennenerkennung spins appears in several Schittprogs to happen, is probably due NLE. However, I had to S9 + never.
Synonymous But to say because of the support erstmal: graphics drivers, in the hope that it goes away, or finally, the user switches to HDD or other cams! And if the sound is gone, will hold and save the project again open, ok. But when there is solid, what is this error? This was not always, and sometimes synonymous not adjustable, so far in any version before, synonymous with the bank, with any hardware
But that is truly the fool in one klappts, the other not, both get the time with blinkers.
I hope
(now we get to test times report back), this kind of bugs, later if known, synonymous NACHTRÄGLICH in test reports are included. That would make it easier to Support notify DAS as a mistake is not only a hardware USERGROUP mt xyz (about min-Config.) Occurs, but a BUG is no preference on which system.
Because that could lead to edit!
I wuechsche you much success with S11, because if it works, it is good, and if I find the bug can do functions, I suppose they are synonymous, but this is rarer than 50% of my videos! Basically everything that goes on DVD, should have the menu back. And that's just not!
And for me, I hope to run the Avid software the same as the next Focus has, and thus not only developed, but synonymous Bugbeseitigung operates.
Thank you for the log-in idea and apologize the late reply, I had to finish a project (the building blocks for S11, S9 with the menu to the rear), which went before. And then I will be me Pro2 DVD-LAB view, I've just pulled the trial, let's see what it is! (If I was with 2 programs must work!)
Antwort von bento124:

my God, there are frustrated contemporaries! Always a bit more relaxed! Actually, I wanted to here what about Pinnacle 11 read - instead I'm here so the middle of the "War of the egomaniacs" landed!
Antwort von Gästin:

My suggestion: cut separate PC and everything runs as it should. Forest and meadows with PC security and many other programs do most difficulties.
Antwort von bento124:

@ Guests and Gaestinnen
On one side there is even correct a lot of information about the studio, on the other hand, I would not argue that the problems of pure cutting machines elusive.
(Hence when OS cut everything off, which could be networked, reading costs halt, at least in Time)
Forest and meadows with PC security and many other programs do most difficulties. briefly
Let's look quickly to see what Pinnacle for minimum requirements for a maybe not fast, but still functional program wants to have, at least in Pal:
Ah, because stehts: forest and meadows PC!
Antwort von immanuelkant:

I think this says it all: there are satisfied and dissatisfied users. It is holding everything taste, application, hardware and mood thing! This applies in the rest but for all software.
The Pinnacle Studio 11 is not totally "bugy" but by no means synonymous perfect, but usable in any case!
PS. I think now I am out of here after this time and again some people (anonymously) the Contenance lose. It is synonymous hold a forum of law and know-who.
Antwort von MacShaa:

I did everything I did not read, but do have a comment synonymous with Ultimate from S11.
I have before me the prog about 3 months and had bought already synonymous's my problem so that (see contributions).
For program crashes, auto deleted video files, Tonverschiebungen ... I've found an easy solution:
In my film Madeira (my first video project) I initially synonymous film (approx. 40 minutes) "at once" to render. Obviously I would go for an individual menu gebastelt and thought, we can "all at once" Render - Think!
Finally I applied a simple trick, the so synonymous exclude problems such as "stay-transitions in 2D", "shifted sound," "false menus", ...
=> I render each video scene separately render each language separately and render sequence each musical sequence separately!
Then I Bastel everything together as ONE movie (which is an expense of a few minutes of) and render the film completely.
Now of course everybody can say that:
s.NICHT within the meaning of the software is (I actually just)
b) too much effort represents
All right (I would prefer synonymous's different).
I am convinced that it is useful.
s.ich closing problems with transitions etc.
b) I have the video clips in DV format rausgerendert, in other words, "loss", such as from tape rübergespielt
c) I have no problems with menus, I can simply put together as I want (videos, text, music)
it works without any problems!