Frage von enmi:
I work with the Pinnacle Studio 9 version and try to just mod files to edit. these encounter the following problems:
1. The files are open when the folder is not displayed (and can not of course synonymous edit)
2. if I umbennne files (such as here in the forum recommended) then the files open when displayed in the folder, but can not be played.
The mpg file can be edit to be pulled down (it is not possible, the film clip in the preview window)
The avi file can not be processed (can not even pull down play)
can someone help me. had already unsuccessfully sought here in the forum (and only found info to rename - to help me but not really next)
Best thanks in advance
Antwort von Kunterbunt:

Do you have S8?
Because all S9 renamed mpg never wanted to accept, I have always with S8, in rendered avi, so that the then accepted s9!
Try it with other Xmedia recode or Media Converter SA, I think (have not. Mod), because you should have success!
Antwort von enmi:

best thanks for the tip. Unfortunately I only have Studio 8 Media Converter Saturday, I have installed. Unfortunately there are no mod files supported.
Antwort von Kunterbunt:
best thanks for the tip. Unfortunately I only have Studio 8 Media Converter Saturday, I have installed. Unfortunately there are no mod files supported. Also Xmedia is probably nothing. :-(
Times instead of trying mpeg mpg, maybe that helps!