Frage von saradoom:
Hello dear people!
I am almost s.verzweifeln. Have a DV video of my Panasonic NV-GS280 with Pinnacle Studio 9 on the PC Pros recorded / transferred and stored as a project. But I may not be ready to burn or Project first generate an image. Synonymous've already tried the avi as a DVD only to render and burn to but always remains the program after several iterations depend. Had the Fim synonymous already divided into 2 parts, remained synonymous hang. Until now, I otherwise all projects with Pinnacle burn. It must be s.Film (avi) are located. are all Sony Premium DV Cassettten (was preceded by a SonyCam, so I would stick to the brand).
I have already synonymous Prog Gaylord geldaden, but I can not log with the start because I can not see where there to see the error should be.
Whether I'll take another program to edit my videos and to burn? Is there a freeware prog?
Who can help me?
Thanks and greetings
Antwort von Udo Schröer:

There was once two years ago ... I had it all versions of Pinnacle studio by 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. - 9Plus. not always but more often remained hang when rendering software.
I've had about Liquid Edition, and lo and behold ... all movies could be created without any problems.
It is probably not s.Deinen Cassettes, Studio 8-10 is simply unreliable.
Antwort von Hollgo:

Which Studio - version are you working for? At Studio 9 is the most stable version 9.3.5, 9.4.3, although the import DVDs, but the rendering is always unreliable.
The projects should be as easy as possible and not hold too long.
Max film for 15-20 minutes per project are recommended.
If you want DVDs, authors, you should only need the menus and the finished rendered movie parts in the timeline have.
It is best if you're ready rendered DVD MPEGs can provide.
In Pinnacle Studio9 Forum (grüß me the boys and girls because) there are also many tips on this under the slogan "building block" method.
The forum participants jroettges of the "Gaylord" synonymous has been written, you can certainly help next synonymous.
PS: In Studio 10 is synonymous with the Liquid engine worked. The program works but, interestingly, rather than worse and slower Studio 9th Many "Pinnaclianer" therefore, still work with 9.3.5 or the Studio Betaß
Antwort von simonruane:

The problem I had, often at Pinnacle 9 and synonymous with 10, so I'm about to cut my program to change.
But that depends on the rendering is often that the film is too long, and then check that the program no longer.
I have solved the problem as:
I have the movie in several different projects which were not so great and the individually rendered, and then the rendered files to a project to add and render.
PS: I just try the trial version of Sony Vegas and find this a lot better so far:
Antwort von Hollgo:

Well, Vegas is playing in another league as a studio.
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Vegas to play in another league as a studio. Maybe would have been the little brother of Vegas, the Vegas Movie Studio, a workable compromise?
Gruß Bernd E.