Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Pioneer 16-layer Bluray disc later, but compatibility of heidi - 3 Dec 2008 12:48:00 In summer, Pioneer has had a 16-layer Bluray disc announced that 400 GB can store
wir berichteten). So beinahe serienreif wie damals behauptet war bzw. ist die Disc wohl doch nicht, da erst jetzt auf einer Messe in Taipei ein Prototyp gezeigt wurde. Interessant jedoch ist die Information, daß diese Scheiben entgegen ersten allgemeinen Vermutungen of normalen Blu-ray-Playern gelesen werden können, da die Pickup-Head Spezifikationen der 16-Layer Discs denen herkömmlicher BD-Discs entsprechen (PUH 405nm/0.85). Außerdem wurde ein großzügiger Zeitplan der "super multi-layer"-Technologie bekanntgegeben. Demnach will Pioneer zwischen 2008 and 2010 die Read-only discs (ROM) auf den Markt bringen, zwischen 2010-2012 sollen RW-Discs kommen and für 2013 ist eine 1 TB-Disc geplant.
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Antwort von DWUA:
And in summer, so Axel out of his right to hold
Which "studio" wanted to kind of "Pioneer"-labor
OB 1 times 16 or 16 times 1
PUH ...!
Or should there only remains of the research budget-verwurstet be?
Application suggestions welcome!
Antwort von rainermann:
When you consider that today synonymous movies + extras often distributed on several disks, so the customer thinks he would have a "value added" in the hands, although technically loose on a DL disc to fit, I ask myself the synonymous .. .
Nevertheless, the idea s.Platzersparnis impressive ...
Antwort von DWUA:
Nevertheless, the idea s.Platzersparnis impressive ...
... in theory.
What would it mean in practice?
Antwort von rainermann:
With a HD movie of 25-50GB would be between 16 and 8 movies on a disc match - not to mention it, if the current DVD industry (in PAL) on a 16er BR would bring ...
complete series (in my case, for example Star Trek, etc.) would be to fit a single disc (in PAL). Or all the Bond films: half a meter of shelf 2-3 slices 16er! My apartment would in any case again "airy" look ;-) And if all times in the PC area would be described:
a handful of discs would be me a box full of external hard disks with all Netzteil-/Kabel- Wust and Housing (the raw material of customers) etc.pp
Antwort von rainermann:
(Double posting)
Antwort von DWUA:
What does that with a scratch on the disc
1 film is not only "over there", but the same 16th
The question of appropriate (long term)-archiving
has been generally more open, even though more intensive
about "gebrütet" is.