Frage von Tony:
hello professionals,
I will try and flush me briefly lock to not be too much of your time in qualifying to take - thank you in advance for answer!
1. how much I have unknowing of filming, etc.? Answer: no :-)
what I want? friends and I are the texas hold'em poker in ruins. (see eg. DSF)
We want to provide us with a poker table with 6 cameras table together build -
and our own live sessions rotate. (mini cameras for under the glass I have seen at 19,00 Euro) if it is worth something.
amateurishly steps: 3 cameras (2 fixed and active)
to the table Showing the cameras
The logo flashes etc. do / I would like to make it all afterwards.
So quasi s.laptop or PC as a überwachungskamara the screen - live all together and then cut then edit everything once again (just with logos displayed, etc.).
How much should it cost? there must be nothing "professional" and his is only for home use absolute thought!
what equipment I have? well let us say - 1 laptop and 2 pcs (3.2 GHz and 2.8 GHz) laptop 1.73 centrino) but I suppose this need a different hardware or pcs or more synonymous as always .... :-)
This inventive heads have an idea for me?
actually what I need and how "cheap" you can get such an equipment.
I understand that now some people will say-oje as a complete layman, etc. ..
and cheap synonymous nor should it be .... As I said home-use ...
I thank you for read and
for the eventual answer to this line.
beautiful still evening :-)
Antwort von voge42:

Why? For yourself is quite a lot of effort to put it only in private to show round.
Or did you mean what?
Then turn away but s.jemand their experiences, or working s.Punkt 1st
Everything else just monetary costs, time and nerves ....
Antwort von Tony:

the expense is worth it ourselves ..... I did so before garnicht .. I burn the finished cut together on cd and then gibs s.meine mates as memorable next .... as I said we want ourselves live see :-)
Thank you
Antwort von voge42:

Tip: If working with just one camera and thus s.Punkt 1st
If you are not yet so familiar has it all does not end, because you smoke ruckzuck the head when you are with a number of sources (which are still analogue) & t want to work.
The course brings people into the idea with sweat.
Even if the effort is worth it you and without you the illusion to try to rob. But when abolsuter Beginners without ahnung with 6 cameras live mix was then cut and ... forget it.
Antwort von Tony:

So ok --
1. I will definitely not illiusion robbed :-)
2. the 6 cameras are just "under the table cameras" to a maximum of 3 seconds will be displayed.
3. synonymous if you're "weigerst" I am responding to it :-)
what do I need? - I can live with pure software video cuts make? as I said for the absolute home use must therefore be no professional equipment ( "thema cheap") :-)
Antwort von voge42:

why refuse ... but I got you an answer.
Whether this is only 3 sec 5min or are not important ... the number of sources remains the same.
Yes there is software for it ... but the play beyond your budget. There is nothing you with quick Live 6 sources can mix.
Also you need 6 analog inputs which in turn s.einem Calculator with more expensive hardware is connected.
I write deliberately Prices not to be that your small budget is somewhere in height 4 digit range.
Antwort von voge42:

Hi Toni. So, if it's just synonymous for you to be, you need a man / woman s.einem mixers. At least 6 small TV or monitors.
All with the video mixer combine. A Camera for the Sound.
Is saumäßig lot of work, but to hire well synonymous. The mixer can be borrowed.
Antwort von voge42:

thank you for your reply --
ie 4-digit amount that would be ok in the budget.
I would clearly prefer cheaper because we are exclusively for poker would use.
ie 6's monitors or TVs? 9 or actually - there are 6 cameras are table-and 3 "normal" cameras (ie 2 fixplazierte and active), therefore, 9th
it is clear to me that this is a beginner seems almost impossible but it's important times for me to know
1. feasible?
2. cheap feasible?
3. training period?
4. what do I need / hardware?
5. I can not on a laptop or pc zb stood all these video sources have to say as in my first ever wonder how all this at a surveillance camera to see? (1 monitor - 9 cameras drauf)
Now it clearly hit the hands on the head together ...
but all the equipment remains in this space like and will not be removed, etc.
thank you again for your efforts.
Antwort von voge42:

Oje oje .... .... you have to know someone with a lot of experience with and get into the boat otherwise you will not be happy. The poker is an expensive pleasure;)
Antwort von rush:

versuch you 9 smaller cameras with CVBS output to obtain ... FBAS a mixer with 9 you can equip sources, which monitors enstprechenenden and then mixing the whole quasi-live and draw it on 'nen A / D converter on your laptop back in order to have it digitally ...
Although you can not subsequently cut more, but you've got a live recording of the mix must stop someone ..
it then yes you can later raufsetzen title etc ...
würd ich ton and then separately on md/mp3 record player and with a land border or hanging flak realize.
wär so that a relatively manageable away ... probably
Antwort von Tony:

precisely the sort of response I expected a short and concise - as it is about work - and what I need done.
can you possibly me a rough "cheap" sum call me what the whole would cost?
know how the hole I then via learning by doing.
and if you are a little more time might have a list with the names of the cameras and the software to plan for my "cheap" would be ideal - so I practice a list in hand did - go into business and can say what s.zettel I need to.
and simplified so that after I go home - build it and it is radio.
thank you again for your great answers :-)
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Tony,
s.Ende is only once such a poker round is recorded and a DVD be created? Then I would not buy equipment needed, but a team request that you fulfill this desire.
Antwort von megalutzi:

So that you are a specialist should take has been already said. I see the same. In a single action, I would eventually move with my technique. I could certainly implement your projects. Delightful is already there times to have made.
But this is really a lot of work. Sowas times you can make because of the experience and the fun. At least before you spend that much money, you should have done it once.
Kannst ja mal mail. This discussion reads indeed as if there are several rumtrollen only.
Antwort von Dominique:

hallo markus & lutz,
thank you sincerely for your reply!
to markus: Our plan is not unique but we want it sosoft as possible. we play poker almost every weekend and of course the equipment to be synonymous use.
clearly it is a lot of work because I give you right but in the end it will be worth the effort :-)
regarding the video sound mixers quadsplit well as 9 MONITOR synonymous need very much space.
For me, there is now only wonder what I actually "reasonable" need to buy equipment and do not use only the equipment but if possible synonymous exact names and a rough price
(ready to use list).
I know that this question almost sounds cheeky and demanding but pleasurable if you have time and capricious, I would be very grateful to you for this :-)
again thank you markus
to megalutzi thank you for your course, synonymous antwort.
with your equipment auszurücken would be a nice offer only up to Vienna, it is a next away :-)
apart from that I really euipment to buy because it looks like ja said no single cause will be :-)
desirable nor a relaxing weekend
Antwort von Markus:
... since 9 MONITOR synonymous need very much space. No, this is not true. For professional video preview monitors which usually takes one with 9 "screen size. The next one can-and on top of each other, so that an arrangement of 3x3 monitors only about 70x70 cm (WxH) space.
For me, there is now only wonder what I actually "reasonable" need to buy equipment ... A video mixer with 4 inputs and Quadsplit preview would be the Datavideo SE-500 for 900 ¬ Neupreis currently. Of this, you need to get 3 pieces, which then kaskadenförmig total of 10 video sources can process.
In three Bildmischern you need 3 monitors for preview and maybe one for another program (that's called the ultimate video picture, which ultimately will be). To create a good image sharpness at smaller devices to achieve, look for old Amiga monitors. They have the necessary video inputs and are often (sometimes significantly) less than 50 ¬ per piece to get.
As far as I understand it, the cameras are either already (partly) online, or you should have an inexpensive idea.
Denk synonymous fact that between each camera and the Videomischern cable must be relocated. This should however not be cheap, because otherwise you might create a lot of image problems
(see example). Composite video cable from the monitored area is likely in your case and be sufficient for approximately 25 ¬ per 50 m.
One thing has remained unmentioned so far: The Light. If the venue is not well enough lit, then see the pictures - if they ever recognize - not good. Remember that small, cheap cameras need more light than larger / more expensive. Possibly. here is yet one or other light source s.der right place needed.
Still something remained unmentioned so far: the sound. This could be a camcorder with integrated Microphone tapped in order to catch the general atmosphere. Considerably better is the result when, for example, a boundary microphone or one with omnidirectional in the middle of the game table represents. In this case, the microphone signal to the camcorder first and then as a line level signal to the audio portion of the above image synonymous mixer or directly to the recorder to be host.
Finally, the recording of the program: If the final result on DVD should be the easiest and most uncomplicated option of recording on a hard drive Harddisks-/DVD-Recorders. There could easily remove unwanted parts and the result directly to DVD output - as often as you want.
I know this question [...] cheeky and challenging sounds ... Indeed! * fg *
Antwort von Tony:

hallo markus,
thousand thanks for your detailed description!
times if you're in vienna - then I invite you to our times dinner :-) poker and a beer is certainly synonymous indoors :-)
sincere thanks once again
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hi Tony,
the answer comes very late, but I would proceed as follows:
There are surveillance technology from the 8 channel PCI video cards for under EUR 200, the 8 parallel can record video (currently at just under Ebay item number 220142053357 for 169 EUR).
On this map you can see the 6 sub-table cameras and the two stationary cameras connect. It should be noted that when the connection of 8 Kamreas only half the frame rate (ie 12.5 frames per second) can be recorded. But as it is for you just fun to be enough I think.
The moving camera camcorder can be arbitrary, based on DV tape recording. To this I would an external microphone connected, either directly on the poker table depends.
Since all the signals recorded in parallel, you can preview all the monitors to renounce. It is a person who, during the game, the camcorder uses.
Then you can have 8 video tracks of the cut card and the video track of the moving camera in your editing program (such as Magix) to import, synchronize and time .... and the cut will be a saumäßige work. To watch the synchronization easier, I would before each round of recording all cameras at once and turn the entire light-and switch. Also, the camcorder must s.diesem moving through time, since he was only the sound recording.
All in all you need for your project unusual following accessories:
- Cut card (approx. EUR 200)
- 8 simple surveillance cameras (approx. EUR 200)
- A PC with free PCI interface (yes there is)
- A camcorder with external Micro (is synonymous auftreibbar I guess)
- An editing program that supports multiple video tracks, such as Magix for 50 EUR
- Lots of light, because the little light cameras is not particularly strong
- So much time for the cut
You should be with about 450 Euros for new acquisitions require ...
Synonymous You can install two of the cards and did so at 8 cameras a Resolutionvon 25 frames per second, but I would first try with a.
If you actually have recorded a round, I would rather like to see ...
Good luck
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von megalutzi:

Hello Jörg,
only, then the whole is no longer live.
The advantage of live content is that all the time on average eliminated.
Personally, I have now an 8-channel video mixer, along with a 6x2 matrix, a 2kanal mixers and amplifiers and even some distributors, I would realize such a project and can irritate synonymous. All this is but "for fun" is not feasible.
But actually, the entire article quite old. Will da nix boil.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Regardless of dwer Themaktik that the whole is no longer live, the average synonymous not so simple. I do not know the Resolutionder card, but only to 12,5 frames per second are not necessarily a standard that every editing program will know, right? .....
Antwort von burito:

Hello Lutz,
hallo thos-Berlin,
Live with nature is my cheap solution for people of course not, but because the theme author anyway even with all inserts, etc. edit wanted to live in any event not come into question ...
As for the import of 12.5 frames / sec is concerned, I can only say that the Magix, synonymous with whom I worked, no problems with the import, at least I have been synonymous files of surveillance cameras can import ...
but no preference, the author certainly has this project been realized somehow get rejected or ...
You all have a good rotation ..
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von burito:
try it!
Just about all cameras Scart (mixer) to run and then select!
(Analog disadvantage, you see only the finished image, if you have the SCART (mixer) s.einen Television and you need to connect an analog input s.Computer!
(Cheap, analog = poor quality) but it works
so a scart device gets fas in any electronics shop
Antwort von burito:

why do you want to necessarily live cut?
About games but after the tournament Aufnhahmen all of the cameras on the compiler and synchronize them cut it down (before stone for Sychronisation, or light on / off)
but is much cheaper ....
Antwort von megalutzi:

So the last two ideas suck unfortunately nix.
- The switching of video images over such a scart lead to switch picture jumps, since the individual video sources are not syncronisiert.
- Everything in the computer after capture is only possible if you drive with Camera. It should, however, mini-cameras for 20 ¬ to be used. They have no drive.
But now enough aufgekocht ;-)
Antwort von JustMatt:

stop or he buys a few cheap used mini dv camcorder
and then plays it on the computer and cut it.
Antwort von thos-berlin:

If everything SOWISO postprocessed be / should be, then one could synonymous multicam recording software for example of Suh-synched to a computer recording via firewire and then used with a multicam-enabled program (Liquid Edition or Premiere Pro) to the material with a pre make (it is almost like s.Live mixer). The pre Resutltat is then placed in the "normal" editing environment can be transferred and then "fine tuned" (cut corrections, graphics etc.).
The multicam recording is not mandatory to reduce the capture time, however, because (depending on performance) to 4 (or even 6? - I do not now exactly) signals gleichzweitig as DV-AVI - nachbearbeitbar immediately - on the PC land than it did during the poker game.
The alternative is subsequent capture, where for each camera recording time than the capture time accrues, and of course the whole thing until afterwards!
But whether such an effort for a fun poker game is justified, he must decide for itself. The procedure can be but to all other multicam productions apply.
Antwort von sebastian24:

I have your discussion just discovered and hope that one or other of you "experts" is not already in the shallow of the internet again is abgetaucht. my idea, which is perhaps synonymous with the first post might help - if this project has not been adopted are 4 mini-funk cameras, then the Receiver on a single switch on a pc and recorded. While this only solves the table camera problem and a man should have the camera switch channels one after the other when one of his players watch poker cards ... However, because the whole for about 4 cameras would cost 150 ¬:
it would be considerably cheaper than the other alternative ... a camcorder for the whole game and finished with sound recording. what do you think of this idea? lg sebastian
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Sebastian,
when switching between cameras linked to the trouble and disruption would be possible, then you could have such a solution to consider.
In practice, video images in a very specific moment be changed, namely in the Austastlücke of the video before the next frame begins. This in turn requires that the next camera with exactly the same time delivering the images, so you do not accidentally in the middle of a current picture and then reinschneidet yet another image disturbance arises.
For monitoring tasks and games is the fault-free switching is not required. Ultimately it is the necessary technology for interference-free image exchange, initially described the projects as very expensive. Everything else on the other hand, nobody would watch long (want to).
Antwort von thos-berlin:

Then he could synonymous to the scart switch use. If, as all cameras UTER the table or close to each other, but better than radio.
It is actually still be discussed with such a cheap solution s.den start to go and then in the post s.PC at each switching herauszuschneiden related disorder or a Still Image to replace. Power, however, a lot of work and probably is the multicam editing in the post-synonymous not elaborate ...
Antwort von megalutzi:

Hello folks!
times says that the real issue is so old and was probably long since discarded. The longer one is now again durchkaut what is better but no longer synonymous out.
We do not want to leave?
Antwort von sebastian24:

So, since I once again about Christmas time something will have been synonymous and some experience in the construction of Non-Tv poker tables have, I'll see if this idea is not yet - quite belatedly - can be realized. As we - as we called in the jargon - usually "shorthanded", ie to 4 poker play, this solution works with 4 cameras and switchable via remote control receiver to work well.
1. I have some experience synonymous with magix, where is the cut of a video source - which is then between the cams out and herschaltet - much less expensive ... I guess after time - since only about 3-6 seconds each card shown to be not too large a (per night for the poker tischcams maybe 20 min)
2. Radio: making it easier in the construction of quite a bit, because the table only with power supply and must not be another 4 scart cable under the arm to be stowed, as he always unmmittelbarer close to Pc / receiver can have - the cameras are indeed in the integrated armrest, of which a light tube with plexiglas synonymous nor of the rear lights is - it should be synonymous light problem be solved.
3. Maybe I could but someone - who knows better - again shortly to confirm whether the recording quality of these cams:
gut genug ist ?!
Vielen Dank and Sorry fürs "Aufwühlen"...
Edit by Mod: Link shortened
Antwort von Markus:
... what is better but no longer synonymous out.
Waiting times, in twenty years exhumed him a link to this thread and a SonyAnycast on eBay NextGeneration that nobody wants to have more and 10 ¬ for the owner will change ... ;-)
Antwort von megalutzi:
SonyAnycast ... ... .. 10 ¬ ;-)
Träum ...
... you should be in the future can travel ;-)