Frage von stonehill:
I have a SHARP 37XD1E without a component input, but with 2 HDMI inputs. I'm looking also for the HV10.
My question is: How can I change the HD footage recorded in HD quality on the SHARP see?
When SHARP is a component -> VGA cable included. What comes out when I use the Canon Cable CTC-100 with the SHARP-connect cable, so the Canon - SHARP and the cable as the transmission and use with the VGA interface s.LCD connect?
I'm sorry if all this sounds complicated and it is an easier way, but the whole thing is a bit new to me. Should I not be better to forgo the HV10 (which would be a shame) and a HV20 with HDMI interface to purchase?
Thanks in advance!
Antwort von norgold:

wanted to see the movies from the camcorder always watch?
perhaps is an AVCHD camcorder was for you, because only
s.and to the material on a hd weggespeichert be.
gruß cj
Antwort von stonehill:

No, I just want to have the option of recording directly (without conversion, without loss of quality) s.Full HD LCD to be seen. That is when an HDMI output, as the HV20 (and others) have no problem. HOW I CAN CONNECT THE HV10 WITHOUT QUALITY LOSS THAT IS BORN, THIS IS MY QUESTION.
Thanks for the reply