Frage von Tune:
Hi lächel
I am on this forum pushed for time a (for me) important question * wink *
I have a camcorder, where I unfortunately do not have ext. Microphone can connect. Since I do a lot of amateur films, I would now synonymous with outdoor scenes have a good sound (the wind often disturbs Grins).
've Often read that this recorder is a mobile with a (somewhat) good Micro suited to be.
But what Mobile Recorder & Microphone which is suitable for this? Since I am a trainee you will certainly know that the money is not so grad dolle is. Would be great if the two things are not quite as expensive, but ever since I can not estimate what the recorder and what Mik. a good quality, I can not synonymous (cheapest) price estimate.
What would you recommend? And with how much money do I need min. expected?
Antwort von PowerMac:
Hi lächel (...) On drugs? Lächel. # 283774
Antwort von dennzus:

Oops, nee not on drugs: D
Is already quite expensive (at least for me). Are there any alternative?
Do this at Thomann Mobile Recorder take?
I know many many questions ...
Antwort von Dr. Walter Gesierich:

Hello Tune,
ich hab grad its fifteen minutes before a similar Tontip sent in response:
1. Microphone: Sennheiser ME 66 with K6 edible part, RRP 500,00 Euro, for about 300 euros needed to get into Ebay ('ve been in this way, 3 pieces, for me, son, and video club concerned). I've detailed, meticulous comparison's with many others, synonymous studio microphones made. With the ME 66, you have ausgesorgt, it delivers an extremely high output, which in subsequent non-professional equipment is a huge advantage, and sounds excellent, very slightly higher stresses, but it brings a very good transparency in the Videoton.
2. Angel: I am almost embarrassed that this proposal to make, but I've Already 2 Fishing with the amazing light WOLFF-gardening-built telescopic poles. Yes, with one example where the branches can s.hohen saw trees. I think max. 390 cm long. The plastic end cap See above rausziehen and instead a threaded tripod adapter (for example, the Brenner Foto Versand) purely knock. Fits and is ready for 33,00 Euro + 5.00 Euro.
3. Microphone: If you really a cheaper Microphone buy, and you note that there is consequence for your equipment is too quiet (noise and hum), then there is a small portable microphone for music production (sending). Is Hitec Audio Premobile 2, costs 39,00 Euro, is stereo, with switchable limiter, may 48 volt phantom power output and running with a 9-volt Batta.
Yes, the preamp is definitely something for you, because you have to do with cheap and you probably do not ME 66 can afford.
Among the new digital recorders I know of the Zoom H4 (Video Club), which can be anything (to the phantom power) but it cost 270 Euro. Take just a good old MiniDisc recorder that cost almost nothing and are in use less Fummel like the Zoom H4. Prior to that, but you absolutely need the above Premobile 2 preamp, because the MD recorder built preamplifiers are lousy.
If you then have a tip for the adapter cable of 2 x XLR to mini-jack need to notify you again.
Enjoy more
Antwort von Tune:

Hi, thanks for the quick reply:)
grade I chanced upon this article Audio Recoder-for-99-euro-275437.html
Do you hire synonymous, which is directional microphone (if it is max. ¬ 100) is suitable?
Antwort von Dr. Walter Gesierich:

Hello again,
Unfortunately, I know the cheap digital recorders do not. If, just try to help. If you're in a smaller town living, where there is the near non-existent, I can recommend you Thomann when everything neatly packaged beautifully again returned to get his money back easily.
cheap microphones: I know as a musician many microphones, all of which I tested on video hab ', but there is not one with less than 100 euros, and even none that I could recommend you.
Just the opposite, I can: I thought synonymous, one must have a directional microphone synonymous around 100 euros and can get myself Thomann of their t-bone 9600 (?) Microphone mace attack. That I have directly with the video club Microphone Sennheiser ME66 compared. Result: I got my money back promptly at Thomann. You ahnst it: there is not one world but many worlds in between. Muddy sound, very quiet (more noise), and even the weaker directivity as in ME66, although, according to data sheet should be reversed. Consequence for me was: Save and buy the needed ME66.
If you're on a search, then just look in the datasheets for: it is for non-professionals of great advantage if the output is high, is often idle transfer factor or something like that. The designation means mV / Pa, dynamic microphones are super quiet, often have only 2 a.m. to 5 p.m. mV / Pa, Electretmikrofone have good 15-20 mV / Pa, the ME66 incredible 50 mV / Pa. That brings ever properly Nutzpegel and Noise and hum are sometimes much better. The sound you have to stop then debug. On Sennheiser frequency curves can leave many other low-cost manufacturer, the curves seem to paint their children.
Well because a lot of fun
Antwort von beiti:
cheap microphones: I know as a musician many microphones, all of which I tested on video hab ', but there is not one with less than 100 euros, and even none that I could recommend you. [...] I've Thomann of their t-bone 9600 (?) Microphone mace attack. That I have directly with the video club Microphone Sennheiser ME66 compared. Result: I got my money back promptly at Thomann. Thus a direct Hörvergleich between 500-euro solution and 70-euro solution but fies.
zum Bild Perhaps here would be another appropriate comparison, as the direct comparison between the sound of the wind-damaged camcorder built in microphone (with which the questioner is still working) and a 70-euro-directional microphone s.einer Angel, whose sound in the 99-euro-Recorder of Thomann goes. There are certainly environments in between. And I venture to say quite cheeky, without the camcorder to the Asker's and the recorder Thomann know. Because in my experience is a mediocre Micro near the sound source is always better than a micro-tip from a distance.
Just a word to endorse Thomann Recorder: What I noticed in the description is limited to 44.1 kHz sampling frequency (= CD-compatible). To this sound in the editing program to use, he must umgesampelt to 48 kHz, which, unfortunately, not every editing program creates good quality. If you have to always use an external program needs, this is a step more. The slightly more expensive recorders which are identical in videotauglichen 48 kHz can have the problem do not.
Antwort von anonym:

I would suggest MicroTack (old version) for about 150EUR offer (with 2 GB card). He can still to 96kHz (24 bit) and Phantom Power.
david.may [at] freenet-dot-de
Antwort von Dr. Walter Gesierich:

[quote = "beiti"] [quote = "Dr. Walter Gesierich"] As a direct Hörvergleich between 500-euro solution and 70-euro solution but fies.
Perhaps here would be another appropriate comparison,
Of course, this is true, in a magazine test something I should not deliver. But we are indeed among us, and with what I wanted to express my Mustard: Cheap is expensive in the long term. Dear Save with patience and then used when wear does not matter. How do I know for many years and did fine with old stuff just fun.
Everything else you write about sound recordings, is exactly right, and should be known.
Antwort von beiti:

In this context, I sound my three examples
aus einem älteren Beitrag aus einem älteren Beitrag such aus einem älteren Beitrag
Antwort von Dr. Walter Gesierich:
Hello beiti,
the sounds with the find ich super. How does that work with the net jobs? Because there's a manual somewhere, so you I do not have to explain everything? Probably goes with the mpeg2 files as well? I did that so many different test films on tape, in one case or some other faster declare thousands of good words.
With grateful regards,
Antwort von beiti:
How does that work with the net jobs? Right in the Forum does not work that way. You will need your own webspace somewhere.
Antwort von Tune:
The slightly more expensive recorders which are identical in videotauglichen 48 kHz can have the problem do not.
What is more expensive? Is there a certain "something more expensive" to the recorder a lot better? I always find it very difficult without a good knowledge recorder or a reasonably good micro to find.
Which is indicative micro because Thomann zb "good"?
Antwort von beiti:
What is more expensive? Is there a certain "something more expensive" to the recorder a lot better? Normally there s.200 euro mark devices without phantom power and s.300 euros with phantom power.
Next up someone for 150 euro's second-hand M-Audio Micro Track offered. That sounds, if the device is technically in order, for a good selection of (yes it is hardly more expensive than the cheap recorder and the preamplifier Preaudio 2 together). The only catch of the Micro track is that for reasons of space no XLR jacks, but balanced jacks are built-in. There are then adapter cable needed; but is less cumbersome than an external preamplifier.
Phantom has great advantages because it is the choice s.nutzbaren microphones increases. Among the microphones that are either with Battery or Phantom feeding, there is what the phantom with an audible noise level lower than in battery mode. Whether this is so geschmähte t.bone 9600 synonymous with these candidates, may be I do not say. Had quite nice if you have still something more quality rauskitzeln could.
I always find it very difficult without a good knowledge recorder or a reasonably good micro to find.
Which is indicative micro because Thomann zb "good"? This is just a matter of entitlement. Priced between the cheap t.bone 9600 and the professional Sennheiser besides feed module (which is incidentally in two versions exist, one for one for Battery and Phantom), there are still indicative of Beyer Dynamic Microphones (MCE 86) and Rode (NTG-2). Whether you have the quality difference between these price ranges hear (and need it), nobody can tell you.
Thomann has a very generous return policy. So you just ordered a cheaper model and try it out. Or ordering a cheaper and higher-priced to Comparison, and this is not desired then send you back.