Frage von dasbürgerliche-Über-Ich:
I am a newbie what are postproduktion and would like to know which program you would recommend me.
I have a little bit with Ulead Video Studio 9 rumprobiert, but I find it too restrictive and bad. so that one can, in my opinion, what cut, image editing, effects, etc. are not really much use to us.
I do not stop, which program I should be growth.
What is the Magix video deluxe 2006/2007?
which differ in Adobe Premiere Elements and Adobe Premiere Pro (except for the Adobe Premiere Pro arsch expensive)?
Are there any other really good editing software?
would be cool if I ne to acquire feedback.
many thanks already times in advance.
Antwort von Gast1:

Premiere Elements has only a few elements of Premiere Pro. With Adobe, you will find an overview / a Comparison of the functions of the Programs. As you can see the Programs synonymous to free download.
The same is true for Ulead Media Studio Pro, Canopus Edius, Magix, Pinnacle, etc.
Before you test, you should just read the forum here, so what the people on the various programs to write.