Frage von viggo:
Hello everybody, and have a question relating to slideshow with Premiere:
If I my 30 frames in a sequence import, then yes, the car with a certain duration per picture attached (3s I think). This period can be determined but for all images of the sequence change. White Yemen randomly, how?
many greetings, Viggo
Antwort von Jörg:
This period can be determined but for all images of the sequence change. fundamentally not. The duration of the images is in the run-up in the preferences set. In the timeline, the only single way.
If the images as a sequence, you may of course in the sequence of length changed.
Antwort von viggo:

Hi Jörg!
Which preferences? From the Project? Vn premiere? Ichhabe no presets for a single length of the slideshow "osä. found :-(
Thank you in advance and many greetings, Viggo
Antwort von Jörg:
Ichhabe no presets for a single length of the slideshow "osä. found :-( You're sure to have to cut movies?
If yes, then you should see a little more time than 30 sec., (As in last post) to be prepared to sacrifice.
Edit-> Preferences-> Still,
now found?
Antwort von viggo:

Your criticism is allowed, however unfounded, of course, I have been looking for something before I went into the forum überhauot am .. The fact that there is hidden, but that I would come ncith ...
Again, thanks for the help!
Antwort von Jörg:
I've obviously been looking for something, well, if I am under F1 "Still" as a search term, then there are all the questions you've asked. Without greater witchcraft and detective work ....
Antwort von viggo:

So as I said, thank you.
Gruß, Viggo
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
You're sure to have to cut movies? zum Bild
Antwort von Hanzl:

Beginners sometimes that it be dismissed, I do not ok. Viggo has obviously not with Still Image Slideshow can connect, it would have been easy to clarify. There are probably synonymous people just quickly want to create a slideshow with video and otherwise not much production s.Hut have.
Many greetings.