Frage von rolival:
I want a zoom effect with premiere shew that I manage in flash not smooth enough.
for me I import a tiff with 1024x768.
but the frame sizes on the project settings / general can not change and remain constant at 720x576
I would like to customize my tiff not in photshop to this size due to the loss of quality when interpolating.
I have vague memories of that one in Premiere 5 / 6, the frame size in advance could create personalized, right?
how can I change the framegösse here for project settings?
export brings in nothing, everything is about 720/576 cut of course.
Council who knows?
mfg OW
Antwort von Markus:

You probably in the Project Preset "Microsoft DV (; PAL)" position. For a video project that would be exactly the right attitude. In this case, however, the disadvantage of, as change the frame size can not be. Choose instead AVIand a suitable codec.
Better quality of zooming can be implemented the way with Adobe After Effects, if you have this software on hand.