Frage von leiste:
I'm using W2k with DX8 (+ Video update) and Adobe 5.1.
Now I have a laptop SonyVaio of a DV camera as a movie avi rübergezogen (with Sony software DVGAte or so).
If I did this avi file in Premiere says it wants to import my file uses a compression format is not known. "
There's still an extra codec (like DivX) what I should install?
With the media player, the files play flawlessly.
MfG the bar
Antwort von Holger Hagedorn:

: I'm using W2k with DX8 (+ Video update) and Adobe 5.1.
: Well, I have a laptop SonyVaio of a DV camera as a film avi
: Rübergezogen (with Sony software DVGAte or so).
No, does not. Adobe Premiere 5.1 does not handle, you need to Premiere 6 Upgrade.
Einen schönen Gruß
Antwort von Robert Hirschbäck:

: I'm using W2k with DX8 (+ Video update) and Adobe 5.1.
: Well, I have a laptop SonyVaio of a DV camera as a film avi
: Rübergezogen (with Sony software DVGAte or so).
If I did this avi file in Premiere to import it says to me "File
: Uses a compression format is not known. "
: Is there's an extra codec (like DivX) what I should install?
: Using the Media Player, the files play flawlessly.
: MfG the bar
Geht doch. (For me at least). Panasonic DV CODEC installed as elsewhere in the forum described ...