Frage von scrooge:Salut together
I think it's just not in the manual:
How do I apply a video effect at once all the clips in the timeline?
Makes sense, for example, when using effects such as "Web-safe colors."
Thank schonmal.
Antwort von GhostDog:
I think it's just not in the manual:
How do I apply a video effect at once all the clips in the timeline? You could, for example, select and place the entire video again as a virtual clip in the timeline. The "how" is in the manual.
This clip You can then assign the desired filter.
Antwort von Markus:
Hello Hartmut,
Alternatively, offers itself as follows: Export the movie in the original quality and take this new file as the basis for all other conversions (eg, in MPEG2, WMV ,...). In this way, do you think you all distribution channels open and "bend" you do not even during the editing of your material.