Frage von Subbi:
Hmm, I have a lot rumgesucht, but not in any way the right found, shall I still accidentally ask what what has already been answered, we can see it after me.
1. Problem:
When rendering, it often happens, the premiere crashes and easy off / path / is gone. Not even as a process open.
What could be the problem?
2. Problem:
I do not have the most experience, so I'm looking for is currently still the absolute best setting for rendering. Sometimes there are, especially when moving titles stuttering and dislocations in the Scripture, when she was twice postponed and in some way.
What I seek is absolutely the most optimized settings for rendering, then no preference whether the file is huge and several tens of GB is great. Can someone help me there? Even the time of rendering is me in ways no preference. But the whole display will be optimal and razor sharp.
Would be nice, if someone could tell me because the settings.
Thanks in advance.
Antwort von Gast:
Sometimes there are, especially when moving titles stuttering and dislocations in the Scripture, when she was twice postponed and in some way. I suspect you'll see you all on the PC monitor, right?
Wrong! The PC monitor is no reference to how the film will actually play on a TV screen. What is your goal, that is where the whole will be considered later on? Television, computer, both?
Look at
What I seek is absolutely the most optimized settings for rendering video no preference whether the file will be huge [...] But the whole display will be optimal and razor sharp.
At that point we can help you only if the above question has been answered. The Render Settings always hang off of your desired output format.
Antwort von Subbi:

First of thanks for the reply.
The film will later have to be both, but primarily for the PC. TV should be more than Goddi.
Now I get it down somewhat to render the thing without getting to the crisis. Only problem # 1 that the program often simply "away", is often still there. Even the Event Viewer helps me nowhere. I can not find the problem.