Frage von Super36:
I am relatively new to the cut and would like to export a sequence. Shot on HDV 1080/50i. When I go to> File on> Export I will> Media service, then opens a window where I> MS AVI and> DV PAL Widesreen selections. If I click OK I get the message that something has been copied but it is not something copied or exported ...
Who can help?
Antwort von Fendt:

Hi Super36,
CS4 at a so-called "Media Encoder is included. CS4 encodes the video itself, but passes the cutting data s.den Enoden which then created the video. If the program is installed because when you? In my case, the encoder then opens automatically. Look see if you can find CS4 stores the files. Then try to open with the encoder ....
Greeting Fendt