Frage von berndvideo2:
Since Premiere CS4, despite the high price, unfortunately, does not natively m2t.Files the cut, so again as m2t after Grobschnitt can output (Media Encoder has this feature is not), one can only export to a format which corresponds to about DV. Because if I had but my HDV camcorder is not needed. Which inexpensive program cuts mst natively - without Qualitättsverlust? (My computer is 4-core Intel with very fast hard drive - of, therefore, no problem.
Or has someone another solution for HDV editing with Premiere CS 4 ('m very disappointed. Think about this until now synonymous in any forum - Adobe is not synonymous with - a solution).
I want to add that Adobe says PremiereCS4 could only HDV to tape output; to hard drive as a DV (Exporting HD and HDV sequences
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You can export MPEG-2 or H.264 files Blu-ray, high-definition formats for authoring to Blu-ray discs, or other high-definition varieties of H.264, AVI, or Windows Media files. You can use these file formats for high-definition playback from computer hard disks or optical drives. If you have a supported high-definition capture card installed, you can also export high-definition sequences to a high-definition file format on tape in a high-definition device.
Adobe Premiere Pro can export HDV sequences in HDV format only onto tape in a connected HDV device (Windows only). However, you can export HDV sequences to files on the hard disk in non-standard HDV-or high-definition formats.
DVC PRO HD sequences can be exported to DVC PRO HD format-either on a hard disk or onto a P2 card.)
Antwort von domain:

Obviously, any current NL Editor CS4 incl. M2t, so the Transportfile of HDV natively and as a cut equivalent. Mpg files (without the typical Transportfilestruktur) with the 1080-he-Resolutionrausrendern. In the case of the smart rendering is not even the slightest loss of quality.