Newsmeldung von slashCAM: Premiere Elements 3.0 of rudi - 17 Nov 2006 18:19:00 > Even the version 2 of Premiere Elements has frequently score a round impression. Version 3 brings besides HDV and Voice over synonymous further surprises.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

No scene detection (DV / HDV)?
No smart rendering (DV / HDV)?
No HD-DVD authoring?
Is SteadyMove it or not?
Antwort von rudi:
No scene detection (DV / HDV)?
No smart rendering (DV / HDV)?
No HD-DVD authoring?
Is SteadyMove it or not? Scene detection yes DV, HDV?
Smart Rendering DV? / HDV No.
HD-DVD authoring No.
Steady-Move is (glaueb I) is not in it, unless it verteckt behind the normal slow-motion ...
When I have time, do I open questions ...
Antwort von Gäschtle:

Annoying is that the DVD templates (2GB!) Not on a separate disk / partition can have with those in the installation folder, otherwise they will no longer APE3.0 and to refer the new path, will not do.
But otherwise, I find 3.0 APE very well done.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Version 3 brings besides HDV and Voice over synonymous further surprises. If things are missing which I've listed, then the program is in fact a surprise ...
Antwort von Otmar:

"... Is currently Premiere Elements for Money hard to beat."
Vegas Video Movie Studio Platinum, the Lite version of Vegas Video, synonymous newly available in German.
I'm excited of this software, what about the quality of the courses and the rendering quality is concerned. Unfortunately only 4 video tracks and 4 audio tracks so I can live, must zwischenrendern ev - no problem.
Gruss Otmar
Antwort von Bruno Peter:

For a Pflichtenheft HDV editing program in my opinion, today, at least:
- Scene detection by date and time stamp
- Clip-stabilization with customizable parameters
- One way verkantete shots just to judge
- Smart Rendering
- Background rendering of effects / filters for smooth preview
- Issue a full preview option on the secondary monitor
- HD-DVD Authoring
- Ability of the program 3D graphics hardware support for the card to be able to use
While not such a grid in tests, the test reports weak!
Antwort von wolfgang:
For a Pflichtenheft HDV editing program in my opinion, today, at least:
- Scene detection by date and time stamp
- Clip-stabilization with customizable parameters
- One way verkantete shots just to judge
- Smart Rendering
- Background rendering of effects / filters for smooth preview
- Issue a full preview option on the secondary monitor
- HD-DVD Authoring
- Ability of the program 3D graphics hardware support for the card to be able to use
While not such a grid in tests, the test reports weak! Bruno, you can see it or not. If I remember correctly overviews, this list is primarily based s.neuen Pinnacle Studio, synonymous APP 2 does not meet all of these points, the separation HDV scene missing my knowledge there.
For some score, I am perfectly with you. Whether as an NLE, but the "hardware support for 3D graphics card" good or not good, is more about me no preference. Quite the opposite, actually I will not have it, because only certain graphics cards may apply. We are a real-time preview done differently, such as the CPU, is quite synonymous to me, if you so wise and able to work quickly.
Antwort von Bobdilan:

At first glance, can be supplied s.den Adobe presets do not change. Settings like the resolution or the pixel aspect ratio in the templates ausgegeraut and therefore unchangeable. And that in turn means synonymous, that the internal processing with more than 1440 pixels Hotizontalauflösung obviously is not possible.
Why should that not be possible? It is for APP always been that you can create your own templates - only you have to make synonymous? As far as I know even have the Adobe products ...
But something next below describes these options it eh
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
... this list is primarily based s.neuen Pinnacle Studio if it were, then I would have to add:
- Smart Sound
- Sound collection with all kind of noises
- Hollywood FX 3D editor with 3D effects and 3D font
- Plug-in for Heroglyph and Adorage
- Animated background collection for authoring
- Open interface for freely available Effects
and and Other ..
graphics cards with OpeGL3D and GPU capabilities exist today, such as sand s.Meer, already at 80-90 ¬ uros, even with 256MB of RAM ... and at the same time for dual monitor operation ...
Antwort von wolfgang:

I said at the meeting point in the video: show me the editing program, which all met. That I know not yet.
And if the ability to distribute multiple programs, the benefit is limited. What you have in some of Smartrendern within Pinnacle Studio of APP? Gar nix. Other things are combined, the ability of some HDDVD authoring.
Apart from that there products - such as Hollywood FX - are listed. As if it is only Hollywood FX for FX would ...
... synonymous me and other things are missing in the list. What is with a good, integrated Titler? What is with good color correction, secondary color correction or other filter to the pep of old recordings? What is with keying? What is with the preview of a high resolution monitor via component, DVI or HDMI? The list is almost arbitrarily extensible.
And if you would have expanded the list, then you still have the situation that not all the points for each user are equally important.
No, Premiere Elements 3 is certainly a beginner program, which has developed well. You can certainly work well, all wish lists, however, there will hardly meet them. The EBU gets here for relatively little money times an HDV-compatible editing system, and that's ok then.
Sure there are products that are also in this price-/Leistungskategorie are, no preference, whether it is of the Ulead VideoStudio 10 +, of the Pinnacle Studio 10.x software, or of Sonydas Movie Studio. Each of these products has some advantages and some disadvantages over the content of skillful interested before purchase should be informed.
Lists can help, but should not obscure the fact that they are only one possible way to approach this subject. And how absurd the use of such lists, one sees in many comparative tests of the journals - the points derived from lists usually say virtually nothing more.
Well everyone as he likes ...
Antwort von Bobdilan:

[quote] What has been around in Smartrendern from within Pinnacle Studio of APP [/ quote %Ë
I would have more imagination you believed ...
You're in Studio 10.7 a piece of video with "straight cut" and ready to give it out via Smart Rendering. Now Holst you this in the video quality is not altered in P-Pro 2.0 and make it purely next ...
Sorry, have no time for further explanations!
Antwort von wolfgang:

Yes, Bruno, and for authoring the cut comes from APP2 then back again in the Pinnacle Studio software, but it is a render older generation. Can you make, but is already a very specific workflow ...
... but with nothing too fancy, but rather with the personal way of working (which is ok if you want to handle).
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
is but a generation older Render Himmi ..., a cut but must be rendered once, to tape or into a file ..., then the authoring must no longer be rendered or the clips will be in the studio getting together and then just after the authoring geredert are will be burned before ...
Well times do not prefer Wolfgang confused ...
Antwort von Bobdilan:

What do I get confused?
Yes you cut in the Pinnacle Studio software - and give the smartrendern from over. So, no generation loss, so long as it only cuts are smooth.
Then you importierst the material in APP2 - cutting and re-enter the material from recently. Here comes the issuance to recalculate - because no smartrendern available (at least not without MainConcept plugin). Thus, the material is at least a generation older rendering, because this issue ex APP2 all new rendering.
Then go now the Pinnacle software - no idea what it is made, if there is Authored and the software makes the clever, the only Menubilder re-rendered, and nothing else.
But the point is yes: by the transfer to the material APP2 is a render generation older than it ought to be, would be used all smart rendering Programs dominate.
And that is the smart rendering feature in Pinnacle Studio of advantage - but not if you switch to a software which can not (in your case APP2). And I just said above.
Antwort von wolfgang:

Oh this is trouble with the login ...
Antwort von Forum Gast:

Hello I am a New
find the test well, have a question about PreElements3:
I have been working for years with Prem. 6.5 should be satisfactory but unfortunately many go straight to DVD's with animated menu's and their own backgrounds to create. (Eg with Studio9plus)
PremElem.3 intend to buy but have heard that you do not Prem. 6.5 Projects in integrating element, or vice versa.
Is that so?
Or are there hidden tricks?
Who can give me information?
Video Lotse
Antwort von prem:

It irritated me when I totally synonymous noted that one element of projects will not open in Premiere Pro could. Has there with the 3 version because what changed?
Antwort von hilles:

because I've only been recently introduced a SSE2 Calculator have employed, I only now synonymous with the update (of a 1.5) to 2.0 per bzw.elements 3.0.
Based on the positive tests, I initially against the update and for el3.0 decided.
It is for me frapierent how the work flow has changed. El3.0 is in many a quantum leap forward, such as the thumbnails in the video crossfades. Reinforced this positive impression is exacerbated by the fact that virtually all of the audio - and video effects from pro1.5 by simply copying the plug-in folder of under 1.5 per el3.0 transferable. I tested the functionality of s.SteadyMove, the de-esser, the de-Humor and the hyroglyph 2.6 plug-in.
Do I do especially the sequences of pro and the pen tool, which was the key-frame editing much easier.
All in all, I can the positive test result only confirms. El3.0 is very close
Antwort von Biker:

against one or the other here, I am sure a beginning, so I can with statements like "As a result, we succeeded ... Videos ... 50i or 25p with an I-Frame-Only setting to edit nix begin . Maybe someone can give me at least a reference to give an explanation.
PremElements 3.0 I have a friend in views, which already has. I noticed that some buttons in the Versin 2.0 were still there, are away, such as Open, Save, Undo, etc. If there's really no more or is it only a question of organization. Can you imagine in the program on their own toolbars setup?
Greeting Biker
Antwort von Manne:

only short questions:
what do I do when Windows 2000 users who do not stand a chance at APE? If not, what alternative to choose?
how do I determine whether I have SSE2?
Can I have any problems with APE DIVX / XVID files?
Was a little short connections, but not mean it.
Antwort von kevinsade:

I have a question about Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0
if I have the 30 day trial of Sion premiere and I have a serial number for those concerned and have just now had the full version, how do I get these on CD, so I use the program again to install it?
Simply the most downloaded file and burn to CD to grab the key?
Antwort von VolkerS:
I have a question about Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0
if I have the 30 day trial of Sion premiere and I have a serial number for those concerned and have just now had the full version, how do I get these on CD, so I use the program again to install it?
Simply the most downloaded file and burn to CD to grab the key? Ingenious idea, because I would never come out :-)
Antwort von JMitch:

Thanks for the good test - just a tiny annoying detail would be corrected. The "problems" with the Photo Downloader are: firstly, only for over-Windows users, which basically have to do everything themselves, which is a software can do for them.
And secondly, anyone can lay the Photo Downloader synonymous off there, where it is commonly expected - in the program defaults Camera and Card Reader -> For "Adobe Photo Downloader auto-call ..." rausklicken the checkmark.
Antwort von neuling:

I got the test version of APE 3.0 runtegeladen just around the program times to inspect. Is everything ok synonymous, but it is always in the upper right corner of the preview window (but synonymous in the exported video!) The Adobe icon to view.
Wär ja pretty stupid if you dsa symbol on each video should be ...
Is it possible to suppress? Or is that just in the trial version to see?
Thank you,
a newcomer
Antwort von Reingefallener Magixkunde:

One question: How many video tracks supports Premiere Elements? And how fast is the encoder function for Mpeg (; approximately)?
Thank you
Antwort von Asparagus:

I can be Premiere Elements 3.0 using two monitors? I plan on a screen, the normal program to run and on the second screen a screen preview image to show. Is this possible?
I have it in the trial version of Elements 7, the first transitional way I have not yet installed learn how to do it.
So can someone explain to me whether and how the program I have two monitors can show?
that would be very nice.