Frage von Bildstabilisator:
For weeks I tried in the Organizer (; own program) and the Media Manager, the thumbnails get a list of my mts files.
And here I desperately searched the forum of Adobe, but found no solution.
Have the input both directly from the Organizer as synonymous tried for Premiere Elements. Also an update of the "new" Nvidia graphics card brought no positive result.
Images and mov. Files are easily displayed. Even the preview and the input works very well. But these gray previews make me crazy.
Has anyone a solution or idea what could be the problem.
To have a first THANK YOU.
Antwort von Bildstabilisator:

750 clicks without a reply. This is hard, and apparently a touchy question.
I've now found a kind of solution.
If I of the AVCHD files. "Mts" in ". M2ts" re-name, then I see on the thumbnails in the Organizer and the media viewer of Premiere Elements.
Now I have the feeling that the playback quality has suffered somewhat. Are there any experiences as to whether "mts" is easy to handle as the "m2ts"?
Antwort von EdwinAnDerSaar:

With the two formats, it is in my case (camcorders Canon HF100)
Of the files when I pull the memory card directly through the card reader on the computer, they have a *. MTS extension.
If I do, however, using the supplied Transfer-/Minischnittproggi (HF100 import connected via USB), there are *. M2TS files.
Qualitative differences gibts da (at least for me) and it should be no synonymous.