Frage von BoneDaddy:I want to brush up on 1000h bad VHS material I, and digitize. My card captured MPEG2 (about 7MBIT / s)
Plan is to follow:
Step 1:
I use Premiere for quality improvement (Steady Move, car paint with> 2s averaging, Easy Movie Colors and Audio Noise Reduction). I'm excited of this combination! If it is not totally underexposed images with the correct settings, the result is stunning. I export to MPEG2 with the highest quality settings (9MBit / s CBR)
Step 2:
The actual cut, I want to do then in Nero Vision because of the convenient optical detection and scene that brings me into Nero Digital AVC format (at the moment I do not want to look at the material outside the copmuter And anyway, I'll bet that this standard to establish broad-based especially home entertainment and computer even grow together and next, the first standalone device is indeed synonymous already there)
The filters are already so computationally intensive, and luckily enough I have an overclocked dual-core Opteron, which makes it great. Unfortunately, Premiere sets every few hundred frames about 5min "hard break" a (hard drive rödelt like crazy, or when there is no further access makes them a long sequentleillen access), so the time for you to export a file outside of Good and 3h evil lie (about 300h), except that the entire system has been paralyzed with which I will continue to work alongside. Without these breaks, it would be great!
I've noticed that when I export held in MPEG2 format such as Microsoft DV that will disappear the breaks. Unfortunately, the quality goes clearly lost and I can not import it into Nero Vision. 'm Thankful for every suggestion! (Nero Digital AVC, but not for discussion ... * g *)
Antwort von noboundaries:
Entwackeln, deinterlace with Virtual Dub (Deshaker 1.8) ->
Cut -> huffyuf
Divx 6 with Virtual dub