Frage von MiXMaster:I'm playing with the idea to upgrade to Premiere Pro.
I wanted to do this on ebay an old version 6.5, etc. Buy this and then upgrade to Pro 1.5. Now I see that on ebay synonymous Pro version 1.0 for almost identical price as an OEM solution is offered.
Now my question s.Euch premiere specialists:
The OEM version is limited in some way and how do the Pro versions 1.0 and 1.5?
Antwort von MiXMaster:
1.0 per equivalent of the old 7.0.
Antwort von MiXMaster:
Thanks, but that does not answer my question.
Pro 1.0 OEM is restricted (or meintwegen synonymous 7.0) in which it differs in some way and of the current version 1.5?
Antwort von jasmin61:
Premiere 1.0 VS 1.5
Über das OEM habe ich das hier gefunden, vielleicht steht was drin...
OEM Incidentally OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. Manufacturer of original equipment .......
Antwort von Stefan:
Are you serious?
The 1.0 release of course, has other errors than the 1.5er version! The known errors of the 1.0 release have been hopefully eliminated without a lot of new produce.
You can find known bugs in the 1.0er is the support you say "Yes, we know wise guy, we have therefore written to the update to 1.5."
And you can find previously unknown errors is the support you say "Oh, we did not know, but who cares if an old moldy cucumber. We had a great version 1.5 ..."
Good luck
The fat Stefan
Antwort von MiXMaster:
Thank you very much! You've helped me a lot!