Frage von gutschein:
There is the possibility to Premiere PRo
to save not only the Project (as an example 04.08.2006.prproj) to an external drive, but everything goes with it, such as
- Title
- Pictures
- Project file
- The original AV file
- Etc.
Would be grateful for any tip
Antwort von Wiro:

Project> Project Manager is what you are looking for.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von bierka01:

Vieln thanks for the quick reply.
But somehow I'm there too stupid at the moment.
Niergens I think the option to copy all of its data or secure.
Can you tell me a little helping hand?
thank you very much
Antwort von Wiro:

the functions of project manager are quite complex.
If you do that for the first time you will have to carefully read the manual. Or in the online help for "Project Manager" Enter ;-)))
Gruss Wiro