Frage von Markus79:
Moin, moin
I s.verzweifeln ...
I cut together a video with Premiere grede P.1.5.
When I'm finished grad dammit, I'm still all times compared with the original imported clips.
And I found that among the imported files larger than 1GB
the rest had simply been left out!
So s.1GB missing the rest easy, and these are up to 8min!
The imported clips are in MPEG-4 [DivX 4 (OpenDivX)]
Coded format.
Can it be that Premiere can read only those up to 1 GB?
ps. Files that are smaller than 1 GB are easily loaded ...
Have someone a tip, I want the individual clips
Just umkonvertieren?
I am the war Kriese ...
Thank you in advance
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Mark,
With what file system is the question been formatted hard drive? NTFS would be optimal, but even with FAT32, the limit would still be with 4 GB ...?! - Strange.
On the subject of DV editing with DivX or an interesting link:
Problems with Soundtrack