Frage von scrooge:
Salü together
'm recently of Premiere 6.5 to Premiere Pro 1.5 transition. It has indeed changed quite a bit and sometimes you can find in the online help available information, perhaps not, because once again any terms have changed. : - \
How was the synonymous, and now I need your advice:
I have created a Project (. Prproj), which contains my film and another project that contains the header.
I will now do nothing more than the pre-project with the files AND the Clipanordnung in the timeline in my Haupfilmprojekt inserted. In Premiere 6.5 was das In Prempro I find this option just does not work. I can import the project folder but not the timeline with the clips arranged. * frust *
Who can help?
Many greetings
Antwort von Wiro:

What you plan does not meet the Rules of Pro.
Your project will be inserted prestressing A clip as shown. If you should want to change one more thing: double-click on the clip, then he will be in its original form opens. Changes are in the car on the master sequence.
It has with the possibility of multiple nested sequences in a project to do. You should not be more in future projects, but several sequences in ONE Project.
Gruss Wiro
Antwort von scrooge:

Hi Wiro,
thanks for the info and the tips. Works fine.
Many greetings