Frage von Debonnaire:
I'm fairly complicated projects in Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5.1, with nested sequences, animation, compositing, filters and special effects, embedded graphics from Adobe Photoshop files, etc.
My current project is approximately 40 minutes long and consists of a final sequence (which I want to export as a movie). In this final sequence, it has the assemble sequence (in it are the big main elements of my project together), in which two other sequences are involved: header, main movie, guy. In the final sequence, I take an audio clipping correction and ne final color.
The sequence with the actual main movie is almost 40 minutes long.
Questions: 1. The rendering of the actual, very complicated and expensive cut gecompositen main movie sequence will no longer succeed. Strangely, I can but the finale, takes forever to render nested sequences based sequence (despite only 40-minute film!). "Can anyone tell me what's wrong and what can I do that I can render all the normal sequences?
2. After I rendered the final sequence, I want to export it is the fully uncompressed AVI. In my opinion, should go almost in real time, seeing that only the PP already prepared (rendered) to an AVI clip rausspielen (write to disk) should provide. In fact and truth of the export but it takes almost as long as the first rendering. Why is this so? Is that an inadequacy of PP? Logically, is it really not!
Thanks for hints!
Antwort von Jörg:

Of the symptoms you described, I also became aware.
Full of joy over the possibility of processing seq I had the same idea as you. An entire project in Seq. to nest simple change when needed, etc.
Now this option works, at least for me, not as desired.
Double rendering, long load times, etc. I have this workflow
can change. Mind you: for such specific tasks as you describe it. Normal Holiday movies small projects perfect condition.
Once such filth, such as Magic Bullet, a total color correction,
queue extensive keying in Premiere, I immediately think s.After effects. If possible, these things are made there.
If only premiere will be available to stop "pre-rendered." Finished seq be issued as a film, then all together in a "finecut Project
assembled as the final version. Takes more disk space (should be no problem) it is safer and much less annoying than a fullsequenzallinclusive project.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von Debonnaire:

Yes, I have been working to and synonymous with Premiere 6.5. The possibility of nested sequences's just been fascinating: The film in the film, but any time from the ground up changeable! If you as Unterfilmchen finished generierst and reinsert, you have to stop again in front of start, if this should change.
But: That's not really the problem with the Nachrendern, why listen to the sequences (at Adobe are not able to subsequences already rendered movie snippets, if they are higher up new uses unchanged, as already rendered to highlight and green link to me ...), but that is the conundrum of my main movie sequence, which has no subsequences, but otherwise is just complicated and elaborately constructed, can not render (or export as a movie) and PP just comment and nothing stops the rendering process does! For that I like to have a solution!
Antwort von Jörg:
(Why is the Adobe are not in a position to subsequences already rendered movie snippets, unless they involve green are higher up new uses unchanged, as already rendered to highlight and that is the conundrum of me ...), is the curious, it is a question in another way: sometimes copy all clips in a Nebenseq., then add in the Hauptseq. book. All real time, render nothing.
Only proforma: synonymous disk space available for preview is enough
(Uncompressed material does indeed have its place), mp3 or other "exotic" audio - video formats in the Project, which takes the uncompressed codec rendering?
Gruß Jörg