Frage von mags:
Have a problem with premier pro7.0, and yet found a solution. With me is to be exported some 10 minutes is long enough memory available for my opinion (min10gb on each plate) export goes no qualitatively adequate let alone to dvd format, or output band. problem exists only when reinstall your premier pro jezigen the faster pc.Es is an intell if one wants to say no .. amd funtzt at premiere one has told me synonymous already :-)
done either after some time the following error: "Windows could not be restored video frame. is aborted or export but aprupt s.ich breaks without error message I've been s.verzweifeln: PP reinstalled; hdd form, all sections New play on pc .... I do not know what to do
would be nice if you could help me!
Antwort von Wiro:

read through the times. Maybe it's:
Greeting Wiro
Antwort von mags:

Great tip, thanks to many dear s.meinem service pack was the 2 nen specific update has taken jeze works