Frage von serhat:
Hi, I like to work with Premiere Pro 1, 5 and other scnitt programs, but now I have a problem with the rendering settings. Undswar premiere quality Renderiert with a low in my book now. Frames which I exportire reflect ziternden me a picture. Sequences, but synonymous movable widergeben a bad film.
Thanks for your information internet
Antwort von steve:

Already done ... bye
Antwort von engin:

So I'm not sure what information I should indicate why I am sending a par infos, it's where I think what that could have something to do.
24 Pull-Up Method
is on me
Interlaced frames (2:3:3:2)
Desktop Display Mode
Use Direct 3D
The report frame (ABBCD) and use GDI are made
When you export to tape I am sending a check mark for each box.
Device Control
Activate Recording Device: Ok
Assemble s.timecode: Ok
Movies Delay start by 0 quarter frames: Ok
Preroll 0 frames: Ok
Abort after 1 dropped frames: Ok
Report dropped frames: Ok
Render audio before export
is synonymous ok
now I can specify these infos
With KIDNESS Grüsen
Antwort von Markus:
24 Pull-Up Method
Interlaced frames (2:3:3:2) Hello,
because not a lot of useful information is there. What makes me suspicious, however, is the pull-up method. What is your source material? Digital Video? PAL or NTSC? What is your target format, or what have you with the recordings before?
So what project settings you have selected (What is this? ->
Siehe Beispiel). Welche Exportparameter hast Du eingestellt (
See example)?
Antwort von engin:

A Digital Video Cassette Recorder DSR 45 P
DV / IEEE1394 Capture
Antwort von Markus:

Okay, So you have a DV - or DVCAM tape, which you import via Firewire. The following questions are still open:
... what project settings you have selected (What is this? -> Siehe Beispiel ). Welche Exportparameter hast Du eingestellt ( see example)? In the ideal case, you started with the Premiere project template "DV-NTSC Standard 48kHz" and exportierst your video with the default "Microsoft DV AVI (PAL).
Antwort von prem:

Yes, I have with standard DV PAL 48 kHz worked with movie and export to Microsoft DV AVI PAL.
But with the "Load projeckt Settings" and "Viewer Settings" do not knows how I can get there ran
Friendly grusse
Antwort von Markus:
So you start a new project: File> New Project
So you see the setting overview: Project> Settings Viewer
Antwort von prem:

For editing with IEEE1394 (FireWire / i.LINK) DV equipment.
Standard NTSC video (4:3 interlaced).
48kHz (16 bit) audio.
Editing mode: DV Playback
Timebase: 25.00 fps
Video Settings
Frame size: 720h 576V (1,067)
Frame rate: 25.00 frames / second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1 / DV PAL (1,067)
Color depth: Millions of colors
Quality: 100 (out of 100)
Fields: Lower Field First
Audio Settings
Sample rate: 48000 samples / second
DV / IEEE1394 Capture
Video Rendering
Color depth: Millions of colors
Default Sequence
Total video tracks: 3
Master track type: Stereo
Mono tracks: 0
Stereo tracks: 3
5.1 tracks: 0
Submix mono tracks: 0
Submix stereo tracks: 0
Submix 5.1 tracks: 0
I hope the information is right and proper. But in the Project, there was no system or viewer Einstellungsubersicht.
friendly grusse
Antwort von Markus:

Hi Engin,
I just re-read your first posting and asked me what I suppose with low-quality picture and tremulous mean? The premiere settings do seem to be okay so far.
Look on the website