Frage von Fafnir:
I've got a big problem with Premiere and After Effects!
If I were a part einens movie export with Premiere, After Effects with him and then edit in Premiere insert the processed film is darker than its original.
My Settings Premiere:
DV PAL standard:
Editing mode: DV Playback
Timebase: 25.00 fps
Video settings
Frame size: 720H576V (1,067)
Frame Rate: 25.00 frames / second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1 / DV PAL (1.067)
Colors: 16.7 million colors
Quality: 100 (of 100)
Fields: Lower field first
Now I cut the film to cope and export a certain scene with names x1.
Export as Movie File: Microsoft DV AVI
In After Effects create a new Kompostion with the settings ...
Default: PAL D1 / DV, 720x576
Pixel aspect.: PAL D1 / DV (1.07)
I x1 edit and then export it with the name I x2
Export: AVI
Compression: PV - PAL
Images per p.: 25
Quality: best
In English now import the edited film x2 and use it s.die position of x1. This movie (X2) but it is dark when its original color and the bother of course.
It would be important for me see if I could help.
Antwort von spinakis:

I can not help you unfortunately, but can report that I have the same observation already made synonymous.
Is this perhaps a unvermeindliche appearance?
Happens during the render from after effects, if not synonymous newly compressed?
Merkwürdig ...
Antwort von Chezus:

For me, for example, files are often rendered feritg total verhunzt.
Overdriven sound, picture and sound breaks off ...
Have already tried several ways ...
From Premiere export works properly only wants After Effects not quite. And the annoying so if you 2-3 hours on the rendered material and then everything waits fürn A. ... was
Antwort von prem:

at least in the questioner is the reasoning simple. You choose the Export option in the File menu. This is one of the illogical things in AE.
The correct export options gives you control M.
And Rob has a very remarkable here 2 articles written.
Lest you through, then some things are clearer and the colors synonymous.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von OSCHSPICE:

where one finds "The functions of the protocol Render list"?
Where can I find after rendering this log file
Antwort von Jörg:

The activation protocol is shown in the rendering list directly above the Save button ...
AE writes the file into the program's main directory -> Support file ->
AE project protocols.
Gruß Jörg
Antwort von OSCHSPICE:

Thanks jörg
There is a synonymous if Protololl File After Effects crashes at work?
Antwort von Jörg:

no idea, happens so rarely.