Frage von BjörnF:Moin,
I recently noticed in the taskmanager that my Premiere at rendering the CPU (E6600) only around 50% utilization drives.
If the s.Premiere (Pro 2), the dual-core capabilities are not fully ausreizt, or is the s.XP Pro? And since Vista is improvement to be expected?
I've rendered in the case of HDV after wmv with the Media Encoder, if any difference to the "main program" does.
Antwort von petepopcorn:
Hello Björn,
in the absence of a Core 2 Duo, I can not definitely tell you whether it is, but mine is already as if PPro it would support. How siehts because if you get yourself into PPro render it a preview?
Be in the Taskmanager 2 CPU graphs are shown (Reiter: Performance and View> CPU History)?
Gruß Karsten
Antwort von petepopcorn:
For me, the load on both cores cs70%.