Frage von maneeser:
Hello Video colleagues.
When you export to tape, the recorder, but it will be recorded. Also appearing in exporting to tape window, no blue blocks.
Strangely, I can at the Camera CANON XM2 and the recorder SonyGV-D300PAL easily export to tape.
Windows XP Home SP 2, Matrox RTX100, SonyDHR1000, Premiere Pro 2.0
Council Who knows?
Thank you for your answers
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Macel,
the last time you had written again uninstalled SP2 to have. If the problem only since the installation / uninstall this service pack or work of DHR-1000 has previously not correct?
Antwort von TommyMeiers:

Hi Markus
The SonyDHR1000 always worked correctly. until I installed SP 2, which is so necessary for PP 2.0
With Premiere Elements 2.0 and 3.0, I can easily spend on tape, but it's not about Matrox.
Antwort von maneeser:

Hi Markus
If I uninstall Matroxtools, the output to tape, because the premiere is over then. Allso the issue could be s.der Matrox software. Anyway I can not understand why when capturing via Premiere will be, but on tape export via MatroxTools.
Viele Grüsse
Antwort von maneeser1:

Hi Markus
Since I am now with the full version of Premiere Pro 2.0 work, it is annoying me still, that the "Exporting to tape" on the SonyDHR-1000
does not work. The recorder starts, but it is not included.
My PC configuration:
Motherboard ASUS PC4 800-E de luxe
Processor Intel Pentium 4 2.8 GH
graphics card HIS Excalibur X1600Pro 256 MB
2048 MB RAM
Windows XP Home Servicpack 2
DirectX 9.0c
Matrox Xtools 6157
Premiere Pro 2.0
Recorder SonyDHR VC-1000
Maybe you can help me. For each answer, I am grateful now.
Viele Grüsse
Antwort von maneeser2:

Hello Love Video colleagues.
I get out it's just not. "Exporting to tape" funktionirt simply not true.
The recorder starts ZWA, but in the small window "Exporting to tape", which opens Matrox, do not appear blue blocks and the recorder is not on.
The trial version of PP2 on I was able to listen, when I uninstalled SP2, but the full version does not.
Council Who knows?
I'm very grateful for any response.
Yours sincerely
Antwort von knw01332:

This article comes my problem s.nächsten:
Have Premiere 2.0 and want a movie on tape (SonyDCR TRV 30E) transferred back. Project: Master Audio 5.1 track, three sound tracks, a video track.
Although the recording is started, the Camera Screen s.der blue.
've Project> Project Settings> General> Playback tried to export as DV device 25i set. But after the two crashes OK's mostly from the program, no preference whether the camera is connected or not. The "remains" are not synonymous, they will always be asked back to None.
The camera is capturing correctly. Normal capturing (of the Camera Calculator) works flawlessly.
Have tried a newer driver to find, but found nothing.
Any hints are welcome.
Antwort von Markus:
... Master Audio 5.1 track is ... The majority of the DV camcorder accepts my view, only two tracks (stereo). Converts premiere the many channels of a stereo mix or does it perhaps not so, because the format is not with the DV-agreed targets wrong?