Infoseite // Preview in Encore

Frage von Stelzi:

I'm already my whole menu ready in Encore, in the main menu I have "Play Movie" Scene Selection "and" Specials. In the scene selection I have 4 scenes, and there should be a thumbnail image, just that problem that the first Picture the scene is used as a thumbnail, and since there are panels on inside black everywhere, I've only black thumbnails.

I'd simply like any static picture a little later to use from the scene that is somehow possible? Moves would obviously be better, but I have not the time grad myself employ intense with After Effects ...

Best regards Michael


Antwort von Wiro:

"Stelzi" wrote: ... Use any static picture a little later from the scene
mark in the timeline, the corresponding chapter (chapter mark will be red).
Then time needle on the desired cover set and press SHIFT + * on the numeric keypad.

To animate the thumbnails and select the corresponding menu in the Properties window under motion "animated buttons activate. Then let the short render motion menu (File - Rendering - Motion Menu).

Greeting Wiro


Antwort von Stelzi:

Thanks for the quick reply!

The synonymous with the stills works fine already, now I still want to "try out animated buttons, but since nothing is happening even if I in" loop brand "which is entering the black background of the menu ... I think I prefer the let, or are there still other settings?



Antwort von Stelzi:

Ok, false alarm ;-)

The menus worked with the moving synonymous after rendering!

But if I'm already a topic open if I had a little question:

Is it possible system to merge into main and scene menus a Music? The problem is that I want to run a track, and in a way that, for example, changes when you click on "Scene Selection" Music or not the new starts but runs next, and when switching between the 4 scene menu pages as well ...

Maybe there still here synonymous advice?



Antwort von Wiro:

Nee does not exist.
I'm not sure if this is provided in the DVD spec at all.

Does anybody here in the forum about it?
Greeting Wiro


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