Frage von Emin:
Can someone please help me ... I've recently rediscovered an old camera on it and I wanted to play these tapes on my computer is that possible: S
My father bought 10 years ago Cam "SonyHandycam CCD Tr717E. there is a cassette. And unfortunately there is no cam on the usb connector but 2 one for audio one for video and an s video output synonymous. Now I wanted to play on this computer and do not know if this goes and if that's at all possible have an input used in the compi mt spdif (if I remember correctly) what? : S
So the question is whether the all about and then what I had to do it now because of any program to connect to.
I was pleased and very grateful if someone could help me ....
Thanks in advance:))
Lg Emin
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Get you an A / D converter (map) s.diese you can then connect an RCA RGB (Red Yellow White Male)
Then you use any program like Virtualdub or even the to the A / D converter included Progi
and transfer the files to the compiler
Good is.
Cam should have already Firewire connections, then you only need a firewire card or socket and to play the video as on the PC.
In free software here on the page you will find some Progis capture.
Have you then the material on the disk you can do it with dozens Progis convert it so that you can burn to DVD for example (eg. Nero)
So called the Grabber with USB work and what you can get buy cheap is not always the desired qualities - there prefer to use PCI (cards) versions (with breakout box) or Firewire.
Basically everything but easier than 8mm to digitize recordings ;-))
B. DeKid
Antwort von Bernd E.:
... CCD Tr717E ... Now I wanted to play this on computer and do not know whether to do it ... Your Sonyist an analog camcorder for Hi8 format. But computers can only deal with digital data, so you have to digitize the images. In what ways is this and what you need to, you'll find further links described in detail with:
Six ways to digitize Video8/Hi-8