Frage von videomensch:
I have (private) a camera purchased the MPEG-2
to hard drive recording (JVC Everio GZ-MG130E). The files
of the camera, I would like to edit in Microsoft DV AVI (PAL)
I have tried with Pinnacle TREX. There are following problems:
1. Picture / Sound unsyncron (approx. 2 frames)
2. Poor quality after converting
Here is an original file of the Camera ...
And here are the converted file with TREX ...
I got me the finger after another encoder
sore sought but not found in can output DV AVI.
(The encoder should have a batch mode.)
Has someone an idea?
Freue me about answers ...
Antwort von joerg-emil:

Hello video man,
if your film finally lands on DVD again, I would refrain of a transformation. For DVD would then be transformed and your material is converted into MPEG-2, and there are again Qualtiätsverluste.
If you do in your editing only hard cuts and no effects you can apply the edited material without loss of quality on a DVD burn. Your software must, however, Smart rendering support.
Basically, I can only advise, the raw material until the last step of processing to convert. Thus do you think the quality loss is limited because only one is converted.
I have been working for years with Magix-VdL. Converting succeed me so quite well.
Greetings from the Rhine
Antwort von Markus73:

I got the two files are viewed and of a poorer quality of the DV-AVI version I notice nothing.
However synonymous, I imagine myself the question of the meaning of such a conversion.
Antwort von videomensch:

I need this as an AVI because I consider it otherwise with
Premiere can not intersect.
Although the MPS open ... but no sound.
(PS: I do not want to just make hard cuts)
Antwort von dietzemichi:

TMPG encoder mpeg streamclip or in connection with quicktime pro.
including the synonymous file has no sound, so no one hears synonymous ton in premiere.
Take another example times and I probiers try.
Antwort von Sektionschef:

Although the MPS open ... but no sound.
That is, I think, s.AC3 sound of your camcorder.
Not every Filmeditierprogramm supports AC3 (Dolby), or you may need a plugin. There are synonymous free AC3 filter which convert AC3 into stereo. I know Premiere does not show but dam look at what you have to do, so it supports AC3?
Section Head
Antwort von Jollitop:

This should definitely s.AC3 lie. Simply Encore DVD and install from the installation directory "ad2ac3dec.dll" in the Premiere folder - and work's been synonymous with the neighbors.