Frage von guru:
First Hello
(I'm new in the forum)
I have a SonyHandycam and Mini-DV, the recorded video on the PC drag. For this I use a tool of Picture Package for which the camera was. At one time it was without problems. The Picture-and Tonquallität was good. In the autumn, I filmed a lot of what I now wanted to move the PC. However, now the gecapturten. Avi files in a miserable Quallität and the Picture will often hang or it's just black with sound. The only thing I said in the meantime have changed is that I do a lot of codec packs such as "Cole2k Media" and "ffdshow" and more. installed. Could it be due? Gegoogeltund I'm here. I have the freeware program AVCutty downloaded and wanted to try the video to capture. I at the source file on the camera clicked and Sony Digital Imaging Video2 selected (the only thing was possible). But now comes the following error:
Error in AddPreviewGraph ()!
Code 1: -3
Code 2: 80070057
Camera: Sony Digital Imaging Video2
Now I do not know more next maybe someone can give me with the one or the other help or has an idea what it is.
It is important because it is a project for school.
Tilman mfg 'guru' of Berlepsch
PS: if you found the thread you need to know it is not read again
PPS: if you've already done this I am sorry because I did not know in what forum it reingehört ^ ^
Antwort von Markus:
I have a SonyHandycam and Mini-DV, the recorded video on the PC drag. For this I use a tool of Picture Package for which the camera was. That you could capture directly synonymous with your video editing program it, but I guess you do not firewire cable, but USB.
Learn More:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images
Maybe you try to look at the manner described. Maybe just a problem Picture Package?
The only thing I said in the meantime have changed is that I do a lot of codec packs such as "Cole2k Media" and "ffdshow" and more. installed. Could it be due? Definitely YES! Too many or the wrong codecs can be a functioning computer into the opposite turn.
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