Frage von malo:
I have a Panasonic GS11 camcorder.
Every time I turn on then I have a strong blaustich
on the TFT, s.was could be the reason.
Vielen Dank schon mal
Antwort von Markus:

Hello Manfred,
one way would be the White Balance. If the manual and perhaps artificial light?
Antwort von malo:

Hello Mark
No'm on the car.
Antwort von malo:

it always takes so 3-10 sec and then everything is ok
Antwort von Markus:

sooner had the Panasonic camcorder certainly has its problems with the White Balance and were not shooting in daylight extremely rare blue tint. In the meantime, however, will have improved a lot.
Try to check with the fixed value for day or artificial light () depending on the lighting situation. If the described effect (3-10 s blue) then synonymous to? Has the top of the camcorder already sluggish behavior when adjusting the color temperature?