Frage von Christian:
I am s.verzweifeln even've already asked a lad, who knows quite well into After Effects, and even he never knew any advice:
I want the right of an object into the picture (comes with 1 Position Keframe position outside the visible range), this particular spot s.einer stops (2 Position keyframe, which tells the object: thus far, and not next). And then bounces back. But as soon as I put the third keyframe appears, a bit to the left always put a little dot next to the animated object. From then moves the object always synonymous beyond the set position of the 2nd keyframe.
Hab ma fully the Billiganimation made. This time at my home, because work on this problem first surfaced. There I got it with psd ner and tried very many levels. But even at home, where I created a new project of the ground up, always happens the same!
Who is my problem may kindly take time, can download the project file here:
Actually, the green square is intended to stimulate directly s.das orange and then move a piece back. But through the use of the third keyframe, it always moves out over the top. I delete the third keyframe, you can see the location to where the green square should really just hiking.
Have no idea whether anything hidden in the preferences. Did everything but durchgesucht. I'm grateful for any help! Namely, a project must stop and can not work properly SO.
I use version 6.5 Pro
Many greetings
Antwort von prem:

sit times with the theme of "geometric keyframe interpolation"
Push this time F1 on your keyboard ....
Antwort von Christian:

jo, now I've found. The setting was on "Bezier" rather than "linear."
Thanks for the tip