Frage von Clarinz:
Hi All,
I'm just s.verzweifeln almost. I created a project in After Effects in 3840 x 800th This I would like to wmv in the same Resolutionrendern. Unkomp. both as a single sequence and as a video file, such as Avi quite easily possible.
But as soon as I change to the Windows codec from a video of me always with 1920 x 800 spits. Although the settings are at 3840x800. "Stretch" s.oder of no effect.
OK, I thought no problem. I do Take the pictures, and pack them in Vegas 9th So far so good. As soon as I the default for wmv synonymous only slightly alter, eg constant bit rate jumps car on the resolution 2048 x 800 and can no longer synonymous higher setting.
I make a render the Project with the default settings, I get a nice 3840x800 video. However, with a variable bit rate. I would however like to have a constant bitrate.
What I overlooked? What am I doing wrong? Or is there a general problem? Since there appears in both programs.
As operating system I have Win7 bit Enterprise 64, software: After Effects CS4 and Vegas 9 per.
Am grateful for all the tips.
Antwort von B.DeKid:

Mal ne Frage: What is the Project at the thought of such a size?
Ne is not exactly standard resolution - sometimes for purely perso. Intrested in demand.
B. DeKid
Antwort von Clarinz:

this is for a wall irradiation. Three projector side by side.
Antwort von B.DeKid: