Frage von xalfaro:Hi All,
I hope my question is right here.
I should collect from mereren short AVI video for a presentation. Unfortunately it turned out that the videos were created in the old Indeo 4 codec and can not handle the premiere and AFX. I am working on a Win 2000 Calculator. In the Win Media Player I can see the videos. I have seen with the "CodecViwer" that is not installed the Indeo 4th I got myself now the Indeo 4 codec from the web, but I'm not sure how that is installed because the file is only one. Dll (ir41.dll). Where that comes out now? Can someone give a tip because I?
Thank schonmal
Antwort von Stefan:
Here is the 4:51 version. As an installation routine is.
Good luck
The fat Stefan