Frage von Tuvok:
Can not append segment - The video file -. avi
The audio streams have different sampling rates (14519.00000 vs. 14371.00000)
synonymous if I direct stream copy of audio or Full Processing Mode stelle
no preference on whether I
Audio - Conversion
Sampling Rate - 48,000 Hz or 44100 Hz stelle
no preference whether INegral conversion or high QUalitty
Whether for Precision No. Cahnge, 8 or 16 Bi5
no preference whether channels
No Change (stereo)
then there's still a
Audio Compression
There LInmks of
Windows Media Audio V1 or 2
MPEG Layer-3
Micosoft G-723.1 or ADPCM
Lame MP3 or IMC or AC-3 acm decompressor
select the right gibts in Lame 44100 hz, 225 kb / s or so
The message is always the same
are 2 to join Avis
why? how do I fix it?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

One possibility would be times you watch Avisynth ( on), particularly SegmentedAVISource. A 2nd: You have you load a procuring suitable Audioprg such as Audacity (, which capture your sound directly from the can and will save the entire Avis then off as wav. Then the files with VDub or Avimux ( demux. Demuxes Avis for Merging back into VDub capture and add your own Wav file as an audio stream, ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

aha can you explain to me exactly how exactly is?
Avi Synth I have
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Well then do the following times:
1. Avi download file1 in VDub, select the Audio menu -> full processing mode, save as menu File-> Save WAV sound separately.
2. Same with the 2nd Avi file
So now Avisynth:
3. TTEXTEDITOR (no Word or OpenOffice!) File and paste in the following of here:
# - Loading of 2 AVI file without sound, sound import connect Sound + Picture
Video AviSource = ( "avi1.avi", "avi2.avi", false)
audio = (WavSource "wav1.wav", "wav2.wav")
AudioDub (video, audio)
# End
4. replace it, avi1.avi, avi2.avi, wav1.wav and wav2.wav with the full path to the file, eg C: \ Temp \ boxer.avi, C: / Audio / Film / boxer.wav
5. File save in name.avs example. IMPORTANT is only the ending avs!
6. Avs file with VDub and open your files should now be loaded ...
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Sorry, just noticed that the first line of the script has been wrapped car, then pull in the text editor, the word "connect" the line above, or simply delete it!
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

Load and combine with the sound and I do not vstehe Avi Synth
did you write this for me very indistinct
I have now solved
VD at
Audio - Full Video Direct
Audio - Conversion, 44100, 16-bit, High Q, Integral, stereo
Compression Lame Mp3
F 7 store --
for all 2 parts
then went to connect
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Many roads lead to Rome ...
Your problem indeed existed in the different audio formats of both Avis, with the conversion to MP3've sent you this with "board means" solved, and once again what I learned ....
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

dsa next problem
Tmpgenc X press 3, as always
Film breaks off in the middle
just so
with VD can not I open MPGE
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Then take a look once the modified versions of VDub on to:
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

uff what bring me more?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

So that you can and vobs synonymous MPG2 directly into VDub capture ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

which should be good right?
why you should VOBs capture?
eg you have an avi
Tmpgenc 3.0 X press can not quite encode to DVD format
Mpeg 2 I hunt in Tempgenc Pros and then Tmpgenc X press'm clean and then a DVD with 720x576
Antwort von Gast 0815:

VOBs, well in your particular case, of course, nothing, the statement should clarify only what you can so that in addition to the normal version of VDub-making. Good example is the order of a mp2/vob a DV - or XVID Avi to make.
But not quite to your encoded movie to run for Sound and Picture synchronously or gibts abnormalities s.der "Cancel Job"?
Antwort von Tuvok:

Film starts s.Computer, preturned mti Winamp or Media Player, 0 Problemo, Tmpgenc X press, conversion to DVD, after 40 - 60% entire valley
what mp2 and Vob?
I know this of Isobuster
Antwort von Gast 0815:

MP2 is my Schnodrigkeit is correct MPEG-2. There is a glossary of terms here: or here:
You write that the termination takes place after about 50%, probably s.der place where you have put together your films. Mal Check if the video portion of your on origin is as long as their audio content. And you have a question: You can encode the audio portion with constant or variable bit rate, the lame-preset tells me nothing at the moment. If the result of your work will be a video DVD, but would have rather the better-wav audio format suitable for further processing, originally I came out of the final goal Divx / Xvid to mp3 while there is certainly due to the strong compression of a good choice.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

no, you have misunderstood the
join the left
1 MPEG or AviFilm
the breaks off
The film is quite
can play s.Computer
Tmpgenc X press breaks s.and of writing something incorrect or something
Antwort von Gast 0815:

That the avi file is playable, it must mean nothing. A car drives so synonymous with no exhaust and is still grumble bear that is still not in order, some errors Progam, others ....
Presumably liegts but s.der soundtrack (see your first initial posting). Proposal 1: Lad your film again in VDub, wav sound than the memory, the video portion (no sound) under a name other than Avi; wenns goes, give your feed on these two separate files encoder .....
Proposal 2: walk your two on origin (each directly for themselves) to mpeg-2 and add together the two new files with, a suitable tool (eg
If the original files are still there, I would be the 2nd Preferred route.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

So with VD save wav and video extra?
like that ever go?
And what I do then?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

So in my possession VDub (1.6.15)'s goes like this:
1.) into separate wav schreibeni Date: File-> Save wav
2nd off) Audio: Audio -> no audio,
Select 3.): Video -> direct stream copy
4.) save: File-> Save as avi (for safety under a different name)
Then when you give your video source encoder as the "voiceless," Avi and as an audio source to eat. Wav file to. When he bleats, you write down exactly what he says.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Simply edit your AVIs brief concerning whether the audio.
Put into Virtualdub the appropriate audio settings and new memory.
Then both should have the same rate, and further work synonymous.
Antwort von Tuvok:

VD - File - Open - Can not Detect File?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

1.) If the two origin Avis still exist?
2.) If 1.) = no, running zusamengefügte movie in Windows Media Player without problems?
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

Film is 1.23 GB - mpg s.schluß
Antwort von Tuvok:

The film works very well
94 min, mpg, large 1.23 GB
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Attempt to convert me, the film with excellent ( to mpeg-2, but I fear that the synonymous gives an error message, but try it.
Otherwise, use AVI-Mux to zutrennen Picture and Sound. We should therefore find out during the conversion, whether the error in the sound or the video section is to be sought, both Programs are the way it's free!
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

I must therefore separate image and tone to find out about where the error is?
And what is avi muxing?
And VD is not it?
And I mjß convert to Mpeg 2?
And why Tmpgenc X from breaking press?
I think it's out yet?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

As far as I see it, but you want to create ne DVD? Problem is that it does not work. Then there's 2 ways to try, either, until it works or the failure to find and remove. The first proposal to try it with Super, is one of Option 1, Avi-Mux to the second.
Both Programs cost nothing and have not been noticed by any virus negative, etc. ... So try at least once from super. For MPEG-2, we want because they can be repackaged usually directly into DVD Vob file.
For VDub:
If synonymous VDub your film may not, and the media player it is going to probably s.den different filters, which they use for display. was created as VDub, gabs, the newer DirectShow filter (which the player is used) or not. To move to VDub to work with them rather than with the old one you need Avisynth script, which is a simple, short text file hiernochmal exactly how it works.
1) Remember you exactly where your movie is on the plate, that is (an example might be the path to the C: empmeine videosfilm.avi).
2) Open Notepad: Start-> Programs-> accessories-> Editors
And write the following into a line, the path to the film, of course, we'll let you:
DirectShow source ( "path to the film")
The quotation marks retained. Then save the file under meinfilm.avs example, is important here is the ending avs. So that's it with the scripting.
3) Open VDub and with open video file just like you otherwise a movie shops, open the script file-> your movie should now be loaded.
Then turn on audio and video for each of the full processing mode, where video-> compresion a non-DV AVI codec (if it is missing download store: and the film. (Explanation of MPEG-2 can not VDub, DV-Avi minimal loss of quality)
The rest you can do it as you are used to.
That's it for today, I now must go to bed!
Good night from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

So I did
Open Notepad
DirectShow source ( "D: \ MPEG2 \ Heidi - 1952 - 94 min)
Stored under
My Film.avs
textfile stood
And now I open vd
that my film.avs
Avisynth open failure:
directshow source: Could not open as video or audio
Video returned: DirectShow Source: could not open file D: / etc Denied - Allgemienr access - Troubleshooting
For audio, the returned SLBE
das wars
And there is no preference in what I terminates under Audio Conversion
enteder 48,000 khz, 16 bit, High Quality, Lame Mp3
it did not work
both direct stream copy, and synonymous with full processing of the error
Antwort von Gast 0815:

What is striking to me that your path "D: MPEG2Heidi - 1952 - 94 min" is correctly would be "D: MPEG2Heidi - 1952 - 94 Min.avi.
Have you forgotten the ending only with the post here / or omitted synonymous in the script?
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

I have the aviendung synonymous in the script left off
Antwort von Tuvok:

The following error
An error has occurred while encoding
The msot commong possible reasons causing error:
if you did not check: Use Direct Show "you may try to check it on, may have a working ctiveX A filter installed on your PC that could read the codecs of your input file. Your input source file may not be a valid multimedia clip due to a damaged header, corrupted / segmented data or truncated file. Or maybe your input file has unsupported codecs. Here again, you may verify the structure of your input file by double clicking it, the Media analsysis box opens to display its info, codecs, and other internal data. There was s.interruption of the encoding process due to disk space, slow PC, RAM drainage, CPU overload, or a simple user manual interruption. Try again.
that's it.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Then another attempt with VDub:
first go over again exactly the path, whether he agrees you can see this:
Windows Desktop: Start> Enter run here: D: \ MPEG2 \ Heidi - 1952 - 94 Min.avi, then the film should start running in the player, otherwise you'll get the message could not be found ".... konte ... " will.
Otherwise, the script only once replace the expression by Diektshowsource AviSource (internal while the film is otherwise open, because if it is open!).
Nochwas: once you download the InfoTool Gspot down (if you have not already) and post times what it says about your film. Is it free here:
Irgenwann we crack this thing (hopefully)
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Use a name for the times but not just the Windows equivalent conditions.
The first proposal:
D: MPEG2HeidiTest.avi
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Hi Nightfly,
nice that someone else involved here.
Your mind, I had synonymous, but that renaming a file available here in the "name space" revealed no problems with AviSynth / VDub, the file has been safely loaded (XP SP2). If anything, it would be rather difficult for Win 98/ME.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:
Then another attempt with VDub:
first go over again exactly the path, whether he agrees you can see this:
Windows Desktop: Start> Enter run here: D: \ MPEG2 \ Heidi - 1952 - 94 Min.avi, then the film should start running in the player, otherwise you'll get the message could not be found ".... konte ... " will.
Otherwise, the script only once replace the expression by Diektshowsource AviSource (internal while the film is otherwise open, because if it is open!).
Nochwas: once you download the InfoTool Gspot down (if you have not already) and post times what it says about your film. Is it free here:
Irgenwann we crack this thing (hopefully)
Greetings from Marburg For the record
AviSource ( "D: \ MPEG2 \ Heidi - 1952 - 94 Min.avi")
was open to VD
Avisynth open failure:
AviSource autodetect: Cuoldn't open file: D: \ MPEG2 \ Heidi - 1952 - 94 Min.avi Error code: 2
(D: \ MPEG2 \ Heidi - 1952 - 94 min \ My film.avs, line1
So again
In Folder
D: \ MPEG2
I have a
Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.mpg
And if I öffnfe the folder is in the address bar at the top
D: \ MPEG2 \ Heidi - 1952 - 94 min
Then there is
is no function DirectShow, etc.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Regarding the path where everything is in order, VDub find the file, it can not open it. Times I google my aunt asked for the error code 2 (because it is synonymous never happened to me) and there's probably more common with the Divx, the majority of users has helped the following:
If you install Xvid or Divx 5 you will have the interface. However, that may not fix it. Try setting this registry key:
code :------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------- ------------- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionDrivers32VIDC.YV12 - -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
Change the value there to "xvid.dll" or "divx.dll.
So just install the new codec, then probiers nochmal.Wenn are doing nothing, look at what is in the registry (Start-> Run-> regedit). Be careful, though, changes are effective immediately.
Furthermore, there's often problems when 2 different versions of Divx were also installed.
Otherwise, what Gspot says the film?
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

So G spot
Container: File Type: Matroska media file (. Mkv)
Mime Type: video / x-matroska
otherwise everything else is empty
the with the codecs, which is when I re-install your opinion?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Well, then your film is not synonymous in the Avi-box, but in the Matroska container ( and can not VDub (Vdubmod read only in part) and to write. How then is the file extension?? Should. Msk and not. Rar be!
On the other hand, it surprises me that Gspot otherwise spit out, not even the video / audio codec. Which version of VDub do you really working, I lie with Vdubmod right? If so, Vdubmod produced writing of msk files error (, and, VirtualDubMod & s = 6c5c282eb23e0bea57c105d993f55811)
So fileend, VDub version?
If that's the way I suspect, I suggest that it finally with Avi-Mux to try, and no fear is not difficult.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

If I film on the MPG kllicke, just standing there, only the name of the movie and the final mpg
how do you mean with the file extension? how can I find out otherwise still out properties?
what do I do with avi mux with what?
With the AVI Mux program I have, hopefully correctly, creates a 1.2 gb big Mkv the VD synonymous not open.
Antwort von Nightfly!:

As I understood it had been but what in the YOU MKV, only that your file extension was different.
Container: File Type: Matroska media file (. Mkv)
Mime Type: video / x-matroska So take your starting file and make an AVI with AVI-Mux it.
VD can then edit the synonymous.
Antwort von Tuvok:

So making the film with mpg avi mux an avi?
how is that please?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Somehow, what's wrong here ...
Again, just for the record: You have 2 Divxfilme (I call together once Film1, Film2), after your first posting ( "Can not append segment - The video file -. avi") did it in the AVI container format. ) Then the new film (= Film3 saved, tried to turn it into a DVD, encoding breaks off ... (here ensteht mpg movie = Movie4?).
Which film do you have studied with Gspot (Film3 or Film4?), Should actually occur niergens Matroska.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

ne verwexelst you what, that's so long ago join ok
I have an mpg movie which can not be opened with VD, which GSpot does not display anything that it is an MKV However, where should I do with muxing was and am not versed with the program, and where Tmpgenc X press breaks during the encoding process.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Sorry, I hope to have it now, get it ...., so a new one.
Let us start times in spite of a Gspot mpg file, with the "WHATEVER not true." I think that would be an experiment with s.aussichtsreichsten DGIndex (, because the Prg the timestamp in the film is new. And the whole thing goes like this:
With the capture menu-> File-> Open, the MPG. Select under Audio -> Output Method-> demux tracks and save it under file-> save project and demux video. Dannacher Picture and sound are split into 2 files, then the sound file is called something like "Heidi T01 DELAY 100ms.mpa", where the delay to the time lag between picture and sound, and the suffix indicates the type of audio corresponds to the image file has the extension. M1v or . m2v (dependent) from the MPEG type. If you can join TMPGenc Picture and sound (I'll take it further at times) and the sound / image shift is small, there ....
Hope it works this time, finally
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

the link:
We're sorry, but this downlod request can not be authorized. There could be several reasons for this:
1) You clicked on a link on a site that is not part of the Doom9 domains. In this case the URL in your browser would not contain or We do not allow that kind of external hotlinking. This site creates a great deal of traffic and it's hard to find a good hosting. We will not provide the bandwidth for other sites, so that they too can have a great software archive without having to host and pay for it. Please visit and you can download all the files you want.
2) You're using a download manager. Download managers usually offer to search for alternative download locations. While this is nice for the user, it's bad for the webmaster because it could be that a download which originated on another site could theoretically still be downloaded from this site, without anybody knowing. But there's a solution to this problem:
Set up your download manager to send a HTTP referer, and when you click on a link on the Doom9 site the download will be authorized. Here's how you can do this in Getright:
Go to Getright Configuration, under Advanced / protocol check Send "Referer" in HTTP Request and then select Generated from the download URL.
The setup should be similar for other download managers.
Antwort von Tuvok:

I downloaded another Page of a fit v 1.1.2 but there's no menu
there are many data but no menu somewhere
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Will probably lie s.direkten link. Go there, choose on-going left, Page download, then you will find in the (new) right frame decoder under the link to DGMPGDec 1.4.8.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

I hae made so as you said
no data, check your pids and stands there now?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Seems to be persistent, the Beast ...
Try it once with the following settings:
Menu-> stream-> detect PIDs: PAT / PTM
if it does not go with stream-> Detect PIDs: Raw.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

appear in both
not a transport stream
on file - open video
the window that appears as an extra, is below rehcts ok
then it is not clear as to press stream
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Well, this will probably DGIndex with nothing, sorry. In about 99% of the MPG klappts cases, apparently not here ... The question naturally arises whether the thing is really an MPG or at least (like GSpot says) an MKV. If possible, check it again with Media Information ( and post the result here. .
If MediaInfo synonymous = Matroska Video container says, now try the file in Vdubmod ( open, which is a modified version of VDub that can both read MPEG2 as synonymous Matroska. When reading again does not work, rename the file extension of. Mpg in a trial. Mkv to probiers and then again with it.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

1st Box at the top, there are indeed 3 stands
Container information and general information
Matroska: 1.24 Type, 1 h 34 min
1 video streams: mpeg-4AVC
1 audio streams: Vorbis
Encoded date: UTC 2006-01-17
Writing application: mkvmerge v1.6.5 (Watcher of the Skies) built on Dec 7 2005
StreamSize Bibliothek_ liebebml libmatroska v0.7.6 + v0.8.0
Cover: Hehidi
Wird Thirdparty 2nd Window in the middle
First Video Stream: German, 592 * 448 (4 / 3), at 25 frames per second, MPEG - 4 AVC
3rd Window
First Audio Stream
German, 48 kHz, 2 channels, Vorbis
das wars
Antwort von Tuvok:

Theoretically you could download it here codecs
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Well, at least we now know what we are: Matroska container with Picture mpeg 4AVC (probably encoded H.264), sound in the Vorbis codec.
This could Vdubmod with (as described plonk), but need not, since this is something Prg showing its age. Suitable freeware to convert would still SUPER (homepage:, synonymous download link) to this page. Quick guide:
right mouse button to load film and set the output directory, for safety, I would convert to avi, then outut Output Container = avi, video codec = HuffYUV, audio = Wav; Scale Size change = no, Frame / sec = 25, increasing bit rate (= something? start), audio freq = 48000 encode, and then as usual next ... (thus it finally works).
Good luck!
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

So of download on your link I found nothing
totally confusing and discovered by chance
Antwort von Gast 0815:

The Page synonymous seems to be intended more as a deterrent ....., otherwise you can use the tool still synonymous of
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

right mouse button to load film and set the output directory, for safety, I would convert to avi, then outut Output Container = avi, video codec = HuffYUV, audio = Wav; Scale Size change = no, Frame / sec = 25, increasing bit rate (= something? start), audio freq = 48000 encode, and then as usual next ... (thus it finally works).
So with the right mouse button I click on the window below is so gray in the program
and go to Add Multi-Media File eh? - Ok I made
Y at the right mouse button, you will not know what you mean there, you probably think this is not it?
The output directory with the build I can not figure it out
With the audio and video is up, I have accidentally found it * g *
The bitrate I raufgestellt on pre 2016 of 1010 or so
High Quality is clicked
Audio frequency, sampling rate is 48.000, channel 2
Bitrate = 1536 kbps
Language select DVD audio Strem default is
I can tell you, unfortunately, no picture here because you see how to send with aussihst
Up there is
You may select Mendoce OR mpeg ff
mencoder is clicked
Then I click on the encoder and the dirt's up and running
However, I do not know where
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Your new file you'll find this: press the right mouse button and choose -> Specify The Output Folder Destination and you see, is written to which directory the new file, name should be left up to the same file extension. Of course you can be synonymous as the output of your switch to a desired folder.
'm Curious about, whether it finally works!
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

and save changes, I have made
It takes about 2 hours with the 1.3 GB, 90 minutes film
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Sure, that will take. If a stop transcoding and also the new file is synonymous even bigger ...
so it should work out but then synonymous with the processing of DVD.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

the super program came after 1.5 hrs.
The following error
An error has occurred while encoding
The msot commong possible reasons causing error:
if you did not check: Use Direct Show "you may try to check it on, may have a working ctiveX A filter installed on your PC that could read the codecs of your input file. Your input source file may not be a valid multimedia clip due to a damaged header, corrupted / segmented data or truncated file. Or maybe your input file has unsupported codecs. Here again, you may verify the structure of your input file by double clicking it, the Media analsysis box opens to display its info, codecs, and other internal data. There was s.interruption of the encoding process due to disk space, slow PC, RAM drainage, CPU overload, or a simple user manual interruption. Try again.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Shame on you!
Then let's try again, first briefly and direct show source via avisynth and of course with the original file extension, so mpg.
The text file should also contain only this (adjust the path!):
DirectShow source ( "C: \ Temp \ Heidi.mpg")
The file will open as usual with VDub.
If this does not work, then rename the file extension of your movie times after. MKV and synonymous to replace in the script that. Mpg accordingly, would thus
DirectShow source ( "C: \ Temp \ Heidi.MKV")
And try again in VDub.
At least, the reading should go up to the broken body properly.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

aha thanks
I have a folder
E: Heidi
there is a trickle
Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.mpg
what is actually a mkv
I tried it with mpg synonymous s.end
I wrote in Notepad
DirectShow source ( "E: Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.MKV")
no preference what is written
it is always
can not open
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Then try your luck with views Vdubmod ( There can download the movie?
Antwort von Tuvok:

Now, the tool can be opened
what s.vd mod different?
why that is now loading?
When you open and load is parsing matroska file
and a warning
could not locate decompressor for rearranging YYYY (unknown)
VD requiere s.Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such s.those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable. Only Direct Stream Copy is avaialble for this video.
Then about 30 x
MKV: A frame of stream 1 (s.5663960 - various zaqhlen) had only a forward reference (maybe broken file)
And dnan press when F 7
The source video stream uses a compression algorithm which is not compatible with avi files. Direct stream copy can not be used with this video stream
At the opening of Avisynth gibts an open failure
direct show source: could not open or audio
Video and Audio returned
not found,
so stehts in avs
DirectShow source ( "E: \ Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.MKV")
DirectShow source ( "E: \ Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.Mpg")
is the same error
And now?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Simply save with F7 can bring nothing in the case synonymous. But times in succession:
Vdubmod is usually used to be able to download them directly to mpeg2 files and edit (eg, save of DVD or TV recording) and then in the container such as Avi Divx / Xvid. In addition, it can read but synonymous files in Matroska container, which is not the original version of VDub.
For Vorgehn:
First Vdubmod open and examine whether, under Video -> Compression of the Panasonic DV codec is listed, if not, install it first (
If you want to still try to improve the image quality slightly to invite you down just 2 more filter: This filter and unpack Vdubmod plug-ins directory.
Lies and the film is a check in the preview, if it is complete. Then you go to the menu Streams> stream list. In the opening window you see the left part of your audio, then save wave, although this was not strictly necessary, but we make the safe side, should give wenns so later (with ogg) problems. Then close the window with Ok. Then Video -> Filters, select the add button and resize the window opens, choose. In the Filter window, select new wight = 720, new height = 576, filter mode = precise bicubic (A = 0.75) and OK. If you want to improve the picture, analogous to the 2cleanerfilter xsharpen load and the filter. When 2cleaner the default settings are usually sufficient, but still something to play with it until you see an improvement, be careful with the sharpening. The result can you anschaun in the (right) VDubmodvorschaufenster.
Select Next gehts with video -> full processing mode, choose from video -> compression of the Panasonic DV codec (OK), and only then F7, then you again need to be patient. Your new "Heidi.AVI" you should be easy to use DVD-creation get.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

wav came to save
appears to seem a vorbis stream
to demux only or so
After Wav store I went to video, filter, add, resize,
Virtual Dub Mod Warning to save the WAV says
The Video Seems to contain B-frames
Using another format than matroska will lead to unexpected behavior in Direct Stream Copy mode
Video - filters can I choose NICT as invisible
Direct Stream Copy is the only one with frame rate and clicked Select Range to press
Filter does not go drückne
the 2 cleaner filter I have installed and reingeladen on the plate under Plugins
there was only a readme.txt inside
VD is not even installed on the plate
only one executable file can be opened as
Course is not synonymous F 7
No full processing mode press
Then I've tried it once and not even at the very beginning what I know you pressed
Now I put the filters
At 2.1 reduction (high quality) the thing is in the window when filter
720 X576 360 x 288
I chose the panasonic compression and Dings
Suddenly the F 7 things is not, so I start VDM again, load the film
Save for the new folder in the wav.ogg Heidi
I go to video filter
Available Streams window is on the Save Wav
source: Matroska File
Desc: Audio Stram 1 (vorbis), 2 ch, 48000 Hz, 154.2 kbps
length: 01:34:33981
What this means always synonymous.
What's funny, I will try to video filter
but did not go, so I stop again saved the Save Wave - Wave.ogg.
again I can push no video filters
as invisible
what was I doing wrong?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Sorry, the fault probably lay with me ....
Also, because your problem has left me no peace, I have my views a little Mpeg2 video plugged into the Matroska container with x264 encoded sound with vorbis, so according to your preferences correspond Media Info. Then try to read in Vdubmod-> error, as in Gov. .., only the sound is imported, searched the net, is the result with no installed x264 vfw-drivers, so the Direkteinlesen the file does not work. Point! For Vlc is someting while in the making, of an application, but rather discouraged. That leaves the way through Avisynth / DirectShow source, works for me synonymous with the file now without any problems. So I was thinking, why not go with you, when I s here in the forum i (lately anyway) read along, I felt your request systray / Hmsplitter still in memory. Only those who sowas installed, usually installed synonymous with the entsprecheden DirectShow Filters ..
but since I was probably synonymous wrong, right??
So, you probably still need the filter, is here:
then choose calmly to the latest (FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder 2006-08-10) and I very much hope the show will finally go right into Vdubmod!
So, specifically:
1) Install the DirectShow Filter
2) Make Script: DirectShow source ( "C: TempHeidi.mpg")
3) - if you have very much space on your hard drive: direct stream copy F7
- Otherwise video -> full processing mode, Video -> Filters-> 2cleaner (resize when you do not need direct show!), Video -> Compression-> Panasonic-DV, F7
So, now it does not go to Heidi, but in the Heiaa ...
Good night from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

So I open mode VD
as I do with filters, 2 cleaners, panasonic codec
open the film
because when I open movie then I can not stop after filters
So set filters first, then open film
And it comes di error
The source video stream uses a compression algorithm which is not compatible with avi files. direct stream copy can not be used with this video stream.
if I have an avisynth do
DirectShow source ( "E: \ Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.mpg")
comes out
So I have the plate E --
wherein the folder Heidi
wherein the file
Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.mpg
will get the message
Avisynth open failure.
directshow source. Could not open or audio
Video and audio both retur
Object Not Found
I have installed the tool ffdshow
what am I doing wrong?
Antwort von Tuvok:

VD In normal times, he opens not the whole
I mean, the file
when he opens the file mod, so the film but he can not do anything
So what I am doing wrong please?
Programs at Startup in XP, I can always synonymous FFDSHOW what that means, I do not open the real, and to configure what should always synonymous.
Antwort von Tuvok:

Can not install in a movie
error code 2
what is the mode to VD?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

error code 2, look here: &
Is this yet another movie? If so, then please open up new problems in the future with a new treat, otherwise it here too confusing!
But back to the original problem, we should bring the DirectShow up and running.
Check out below on Windows Start-> Programs-> ffdshow-> vfw configuration menu decoder-> codecs the point H.264. In column 2 should be libavcodec, otherwise please change accordingly.
If it was anxious: Apply + ok, if not, 2 questions:
1) have you ever installed any codec or any H264 codec packs on your chest?
2) Is the Haali Media Splitter installed yet?
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

yes that was only briefly in between
So for heidi
I open the vfw as you said
with codec, yes there is what you say when the h264, which is always synonymous
what is the Haali, I do not know, that has opened x 1, which is always synonymous, in the System Tray, since not been seen since.
And since I can click on anything in ffdshow video tool
I do that with filters, h2, sharpen or so, the correct filter
panasonic compression, which is always synonymous
Decoder - Codecs shows s.was you wrote
Selecting and after I download the movie
After the movie is loaded, I want to F 7
anything with compression, as was first
he knows no avi or something
Avisynth he does not open, he merely writes that he finds it not
what am I doing wrong?
I have never installed a H.264, do not even know what that is
The only codec pack I have is the K-Lite Programs start at
I need for Tmpgenc X press, and plus, when something goes without the whole not.
Maybe I should call you up eh? * G *
if you write me ne mail
Herman.Munster @
wäre super
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Sorry, had some little time. Have I read through your past posts again in peace. while i went to the following, I must have skipped earlier: "I have a folder C: \ Heidi
there is a trickle Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.mpg. I wrote in Notepad
DirectShow source ( "E: \ Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.MKV"). "The latter is therefore wrong, correct would be:
DirectShow source ( "E: \ Heidi \ Heidi, 95 minutes, 1952.MKV")
The correct path, which is between the quotation marks will find, if you upload your film again in media info Open View-> Text-> complete file name, and must contain exactly what is written into the script, otherwise it will not work!
Please check the same time!
The mailing and phoning with /, we raise ourselves to the case when all else fails ...
Nochwas And when does the reading, you see the Hm-or FF icon in the systray, which then means that the movie plays read via DirectShow Filter.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

I gave a
What is MediaInfo please? where one seeth the path?
Avisynth and he does not find, he writes, could not open or video or something.
How can that be, or how to change this?
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Media info we had) but already (!
Otherwise, once all the programs bring up to date, so Avisynth uninstall, reinstall:
Vdubmod delete old version, unzip version ( in the directory where the selfsame! Directory synonymous version build 2542 (these are bug fixes copy in), thereby overwriting existing files can (
Then try again ...
If this does not help, we need time to go into the (codec) depths of your system ...
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

done everything but
VDM open set of the first filters
Open file - file
then come the error messages
below, the picture is like this
open after the load and is black vdm
not a single image
Antwort von Tuvok:

attached so it looks from my vd mode
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Sorry, currently have little time. Directly read in Vdubmod can not work, because the H264 is probably no (old) VfW video codec and will not be synonymous, therefore remains direct show source via Avisynth. To get the up and running, sorry is banal, you need installed YV12 VfW codec, for example. Xvid ( If you like this is missing and you would otherwise need not synonymous is the Helix YV12 (
If that fails, are the usual suspects or your Nero Digital codec pack (which schau mal hier:, then once you download the RL -Filermanager ( Open this and look only at first time, whether you are taking any other direct show filter H264 (or mpeg-4AVC) codecs will find. And read about this time:
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

I've downloaded the program, did not
I had to press close to
there are in the 1st tab of about 100 things listed
You can always press the + sign. H264 which is synonymous always I do not think.
I down loaded
I was having VD Fashion
The filter set
the Panasonic DV codec compression
And the film opens mpg
same error
just does not work
Once the parsing matroska file is
again, the uses a compression algorithm which is not Compatible with Avi
And he does not open avisynth
Then I switched to Direct Stream processing of full
I reingegeben with the direct show source as you said
And really do that! - Open to direct my copy strem Film.avs
And it runs daweil
58 GB file comes out!
and - it worked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what I glabue
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanke for help to her
Antwort von prem:

Would be happy if it finally should really work out!
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

but flips the picture quality is much better than s.19 Inch Monitor p. 82 cm TV, I used the resize filter and of 320 something to 720 x 576 High Color provided and 2 or so, and when Tmpgenc X press, as always Standard burning or something. The quality is lousy.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

Well, if you have taken Avisynth scripts to run TMPGEnc and also still has is synonymous different.
With TMPGEnc I know this for myself not particularly, but it Avisynthscripte You can also directly capture and that should improve the quality of something ... However, the script has to be somewhat expanded. Try the following times in the editor (of course change the path again as appropriate):
DirectShow source ( "C: \ Heidi \ Heidi.mpg")
LanczosResize (720.576)
ConvertToRGB24 ()
The Avs then store it as a file and open in TMPGEnc. Bildverbessernde procedures in TMPGEnc gibts explained here:
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von Tuvok:

Great link thank you