Frage von SirTobiIV:
Have some problems with 5.1 soundtrack with Ulead VideoStudio 10th
1) let the sound of twisted material largely centers on the issue. Sometimes the only sound synonymous by the Center, then suddenly the front of all 3 boxes. What could be the reason.
2) Then I tried not fly in space rumfligen it. Unfortunately, all from the same boxing out.
3) problem. I have stereo music, which I stereo to the front two speakers would like to spend. How can I, without that what comes from the Center?
I've been waiting forever Prog aufn the 5.1 Verton, but why can not simply any audio speakers assign NEN?
Antwort von Schleichmichel:

With multichannel mixes can be
very much wrong (even in mono can be very wrong of stereo ... not to mention).
I am familiar with Ulead VideoStudio not. For such matters, I recommend that anyway but rather other programs, with which we surround mix their own needs may be (there are very many different ways how to surround mixes, and with some processes, certain things are not possible).
I assume that you do not have Mac, so Logic is sometimes not to debate ... unfortunately.
Otherwise, I know only Nuendo, which is fantastic for the surround mix is suitable.
Antwort von sirTobiIV:

I do not necessarily wish to learn a new program. If I am on the Nuendo Page've read correctly, it is. Ac3 is not supported as output format, but what I absolutely need.
Ulead When you have, in principle, its soundtrack and can play it using a point on a graph each point in space and start the PC then distributes the sound to the speakers. Are problems but as I said when I Music on the Fronts want without Center, ...
Would be nice if I can help someone who has ever worked.
Antwort von tarkan1976:

hallo s.alle,
I have a question about 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround.
therefore already have in the forum about this topic a lot and have written everything durchgelesen.Einig think that it is not easy or cost a lot or some of my easy with Magix software of Ulead or should it go.
Sinking into my first problem.
I already have a commercial rotated.Das runs in its own small local television and runs well, so Sound and Picture.
Then the customer wanted that spot synonymous in regional cinemas soll.Deswegen was all on 35mm ausbelichtet (The commercial was produced in HD, so is suitable for some besseDASbesser Movies)
Sun and I have personally in the Movies gesehen.Es obviously not as good as a Hollywood production, or as a commercial of Mercedes Benz and Nokia, is already quite clear, because in addition to the advertisement is our very very cost effective.
So, it runs in the movies everything normal, until a single problem. and although the sound comes TON.Das so quietly that it is difficult to hear kann.Im Movies argued that the analogy is sound and not Dolby 5.1 is and will be due.
All the commercials, the movies are great because of course have the Dolby Surround 5.1 sind.and I know it usually costs a lot to do with hat.and I would not synonymous, just that my gut anhören.Nur I wanted to ask because I am here in Forum posts have read some who think it is possible. Although not quite set but with software like magix possible.
My question is, how can I get with my options s.besten sound similar to get out, as Dolby5.1 resembles (I know full well it will not be)
To my commercials is not something with microphones record bzw.redet no man or Person.Sonder will only be made images, depending on the desired picture or video. Then, when cutting gemischt.Vielleicht Royalty tones, it is something vorteihafter resulting ähnlicht dollby 5.1 töne out to get?
Or did it all with 35mm of the closing date to be done.
Antwort von Axel:

Double posting is not welcome here.
Nevertheless: The sound should always be mixed in surround, closing date for analogue then pectral
R S ecording (Dolby SR), so that all speaker groups was abkriegen. Since in modern cinema DolbyDigital (Dolby SR
D) is dominant, is the analogy ausbelichtete Soundtrack (besides the grouper font perforation) only as a safety backup, and often miss the cinemas, the level of the Abtastgeräts regularly to increase the decreasing light output remedy. Analog means weaker lower light levels, which is why analogue sound is generally quiet, especially between different commercials cut. Therefore always prefer digital synonymous when it comes to the sound arrives.
In addition, the sound for commercials until the pain threshold is compressed, what with the same sound in the extreme case, the double subjective loudness is (so many RTL zapper in the commercial breaks quickly turn the sound down).
Antwort von Pianist:
My question is, how can I get with my options s.besten sound similar to get out, as Dolby5.1 resembles (I know full well it will not be) Sketch it out as you abhörst and measured 5.1.
Antwort von meister hubert:

I've been waiting forever Prog aufn the 5.1 Verton, but why can not simply any audio speakers assign NEN? Gibts doch schon forever and yet the latter can be synonymous, I think you are just misinformed and used the wrong program;)
Antwort von tarkan1976:

dear axel and pianist
but there must be a possibility that one is somehow better (not necessarily perfect, but better stop) can create.
Digital means that you should record everything digitally? danacht with a program in some way to digitally convert dollby 5.1, that is similar to trying to make?
and we take it that everything went wäre.Sollte at the closing date to 35mm, its analog or digital?
Thank you
Antwort von tarkan1976:

None has an idea?
Antwort von Pianist:

You have my question, 21 February has not yet been answered.
Antwort von tarkan1976:

hi mattihias
your question did not mean thou verstanden.was Sketch with a look as you abhörst and measured 5.1.