Frage von Kendra:Hi,
I would like to join individual clips in MPEG format at a great clip and it works sometimes synonymous with the Easy Video Joiner.
But often missing after assembling parts of the clip. Why might that be? Do I need to change a setting?
Or are there any other good Programs for Merging?
Thanks for reading!
Antwort von Markus:
Hi Kendra,
If you set the same question in multiple categories, the number of constructive responses may not. Please publish your questions in future only once. I've deleted the duplicate posts.
To a question about a week as a "still important", respectively, please do not re-publish them. Answer easy) on your own contribution, then the question slide in the list back up (at a pinch
like this.
Antwort von Kendra:
Can it possibly be because it is only a demo version?
Or could the clips that I want to join in some way have different qualities, so it does not go for that?
Thanks for reading,
Antwort von Kendra:
Okay, now I can use Easy Video Joiner is no longer anyway, because the sample period of the demo version has expired.
But can anyone suggest a program with which you can join mpeg video clips into a major motion picture?
Thanks for reading.
Antwort von Bruno Peter:
Canopus EDIUS Pro 3!