Frage von denis:
hi I have me a mp4 player and now wants to buy me movies bspielen but not gehjt! there was a clip forinstaliert xvid Datai an AVI format or if I have a clip in this format is to convert the mp4 player but not a valid format who can help me
Denis core
Antwort von PowerMac:

Use punctuation and sense sections form!
Problem accurately portray!
System information and technical data!
Antwort von Qotan:

Xvid is basically a problem format. Convert Xvid to the wmv, mpeg, Qicktime or what is humanly possible and then to mp4, then take first ...
Antwort von voxey:

with what program can I convert
Antwort von voxey:

Frag doch mal Aunt Google, free solutions are not really something that always funtkioniert problems, especially when it to Xvid. The first thing I would of Windows Media Encoder Microsoft invade, but think you have more than 30% chance that the accepting.
Just search "after xvid wmv convert" or so and try to test different versions / freeware.
Antwort von Gast 0815:

You should zuersteinmal find out with what chipset your device to decode the Divx / xvid files performs. Which is dependent on what codec you options when creating the files or should avoid. Commonplace, for example, ESS and MTK / Sigma based players. A glance at the instructions (or aunt, Google) to solve problems would certainly be helpful.
Greetings from Marburg
Antwort von birgit66:

my where the clip on the mp4 player is running is a xvid format but if I now have a clip of me in xvid converter is not the synonymous un nich if I were in wmv converter
Antwort von Wotan:

OK, now you can say what you have mp4 player? ... has to hire one of the same here ...
... From the beginning I appreciated s.hätt you use the software to encode and play it on the player. That a player of MP4 can ever play XVID, I would not in 100 years erwaretet.
If you really want help, you should in any event with more details rausrücken.