Frage von digitalyzer:Hello,
I thought I write in here because it's probably time passes as a beginner problem. Here erstmal the facts, then the question:
[list] The material is of a Canon 5D Mark II, that is 1920x1080, 30 fps.
I am working on a Mac, but not Final Cut Pro Adobe Premiere and After Effects both in version CS4. [/ list: u: 31fb6905b4]
This is my first order, half to be taken seriously Project. Goal is a motion graphic with real film, Typoanimation, etc.
On Vimeo, in any movie I've read in this area indicates that the makers have also rotated with a 5D, have passed through the whole post with 30fps and only s.Schluss with After Effects via Frameblending have everything converted to 25fps. So I wanted to make it really synonymous, but I am then it has become somewhat uncertain whether it would not otherwise be better.
At first I designed everything at 30fps. The Premiere Project is synonymous 30fps and the AE compositions.
As the whole Konvertiererei ever lasts forever but now I prefer to ask early enough, is it reasonable to make the whole section with about 30fps and convert afterwards? I have no sound in the videos must be strictly synchronously, but I have a background music which of course should match the cuts.
Assuming I stay at 30fps, cut my whole project and then export it and count it down to 25 fps in After Effects: What changes should I expect? If the speed is the only thing that changes? Keep the music cuts in sync? I once tried to convert the meantime, namely, individual clips to 25fps after which nothing is more fit. It could of course be synonymous, it would be better to convert all the footage to 25fps to cut all and then to insert the animations. Were inconvenient for me, because the HD material is not, of course, is converted into seconds. Außerdme I've already done some things and would lose the only reluctantly.
I'm grateful for any kind of help!
EDIT: As an addition I want to say that yes, I currently work with 30 fps projects. In the Preview of the Premiere Cuts fit the beat of the music. When rendering, however, is a cut (too late, as measured s.der Music). Why might that be? (; Setting when rendering: 720p30 codec, frame rate, 30fps)
Antwort von digitalyzer:
None has answered me though, but maybe look again anyone with a search engine in here with a similar problem.
Yesterday I got a solution to the problem of Asychnronität between Picture and Sound in the rendered material that was found synchronously in Premiere.
It was actually s.den settings. The rendering I've set that is at 29.97 fps because I thought that 30fps would a kind word, such as the winged 300dpi in the print (which actually are a bit more).
Long story short: I'd leave the frame rate when exporting to 30 intended, because the Canon actually filmed with 30 fps.
Antwort von nahmo:
what the timing issue relates to the rendering: I once had a similar problem, maybe you can help to change the audio output devices in Premiere. Only one attempt.