Frage von soflow:
Good day together
I'm using the supplied AE CS4 and Mocha. Attempts 22sekündigen just one video track (;. Mov / h264 / 25 fps / 1920 Import x 1080) on the routine Project dialogues. Unfortunately, this does not succeed. All settings are as far as I can see the correct (, so especially the fps summaryplot). The footage is synonymous loaded in the background, but unfortunately the built-in monitor remains black. I can dystrophin synonymous with the individual frames, but the picture remains black. There is nothing to tracken; (;
Has anyone of you an idea what could be the problem? The material was recorded with a SonyEX1 card is therefore in the corresponding. Mp4 - codec before the start of Mocha is of rejected during import. That is why I have it in a umkonvertiert Mov.
Hey - many thanks
I have the clip of experiment can be a Tif image sequence ausrendern about After Effects. This image sequence Mocha interpreted correctly and I can work with it.
I've tried to import with different format. Generally seems Mocha format, it can not be interpreted of (a priori reject, an error message displayed by the same) when imported. However, some containers, such as. Mov is imported with me but does not appear in the screen.
Antwort von frm:

For Mocha, one should always use a Tiff sequence.
This is unfortunately a s.der hacking software.
The same experience I have had to make synonymous