Frage von DaBOss:
I have a problem. I have a video created and edited and would be happy with this music store. Now I have downloaded music in
If I use these on a track will move every time I get an error that the file can be read nciht. Did it with scvhon tried mp3 and wma. Can someone help me?
If I then play the files (Real Player, etc.) fubnktioniert it properly.
Antwort von Duisburger:

Change the file to WAV and import the WAV file after Magix then it goes.
Antwort von Quadruplex:
Change the file to WAV and import the WAV file after Magix then it goes. As it is with certainty to copy protected / entrechtungsverwaltete music that remains as probably the only way (if it with the downloaded files is possible) on an audio CD. So burn again and capture.