Frage von skyblue:
I Have a new computer with 25oGB Fetplattrenspeicher purchased and is now trying to play my movies from the camcorder to your computer SonyTRV 345E.
The connection of the camera s.den PC was easy - unfortunately, the film is repeatedly interrupted import of the message:
"No message IMO1017 Recorded data may have crossed the open space. The operation was canceled."
I do not understand, for hard disks, and memory of new PCs are large enough. Even under the "Tools" I have the maximum space (= 3000 MB) clicked.
Can someone help me, perhaps from the forum?
Vielen Dank schon mal!
Many greetings,
Antwort von Dongball:

Now that you've got a 250GB hard drive says nothing about the free memory.
Perhaps you are synonymous 2 (or more) partitions, and you just try to write eg a 3GB file to Systempatition to play in perhaps only 2 GB are free.
Look for what drives you have and especially how much space there is still on it.
Trying to take you an entire tape in a jerk? For as you are, at full resolution without compression and fast about the Eigenbetriebsgesetze 3GB! Or is the message, even in small clips (so-1-2min)
Antwort von skyblue:

Dongball Hello!
Thanks for the quick reply. Register me until now, when I was jogging in the meantime!
I once nachgechaut: The hard drive C has 211 GB of free memory, only 11.7 GB are occupied. However, are disabled in "Properties: Quota" Datenträgerkontignente. I would have to enter here, perhaps, that the space should not be restricted?
Importing After many attempts, a Hi-8 film on the PC, I've found that the import always stops after about 12 minutes with the message that free space is exceeded.
Is it necessary to compress the video files before they are played on the PC? I do not know how I could do this: (
Have you ever thank you for the answer!
Antwort von Dongball:

The point is contingent as well irrelevant.
As space is concerned, it should work synonymous, synonymous you do not have to compress the movie.
Well unfortunately I do not know the ImageMixer and may therefore not exactly synonymous of saying whether it has a limitation in the uu the file size.
There was (or even in the case might still be: there) so then the hurdle with the 2GB files in the AVI.
No idea if this is the error.
Schonmal seen on the sides of the Manufacturer of ImageMixer?
Perhaps there is indeed a FAQ or support address.
Antwort von prem:

Hello Dongball,
on the pages of Pixela homepage, I can not find any support.
Is there perhaps another program in order to dub videos?
Many greetings,
Antwort von Markus:

Welcome Guest,
forget the ImageMixer, take better transmit a video editing program or a capture tool to the recordings.
Related topic:
FireWire FAQ">Camcorder / recorder s.PC connect, capture and edit images