Frage von Videobearbeitung:
Antwort von Johannes:

or memory and install again
Antwort von BigHitman:

Hi John,
mostly with what you RTFM?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
mostly with what you RTFM? The following link gives the answer before clicking ;-)
Gruß Bernd E.
Antwort von Videobearbeitung:

Bernd Thanks for the hint,
I must say since I only max. 1 times a year in this forum must take to make a mistake which I absolutely was not to eliminate, I was on the reactions but astonished.
The level s.Antworten has apparently declined.
I am not stupid to the Manual, a compendium, nor the forum to read through a mistake. John was told that sometimes there are situations in which one moves into a situation in which there is no way out for hours there. Man verrennt into something where a notice of outside help. I now have 16 hours s.Problem sat and even found a solution.
For all the poor fellow is synonymous times is the solution:
1. In a Project was after rendering and exporting its subsequent amendment s.Grundprojekt necessary. Here I was able to trace the O for me - no longer play sounds.
2. I could do whatever I wanted, on this track was always the speaker in the audio mixer out (in the editing window) and thus is not synonymous to hear)
3. what is the reason why I have not found (my guess is that when you render these tracks (with problems) in the audio mixer was asked to touch and thus has been overwritten?)
4. The solution was for me - Premiere - automatic storage - the last version before exporting reload. so I could change all that I still have to perform in front and then properly Export.
I ask the authors, the daily and perhaps synonymous career thus employ to note what it is synonymous, it hobby and do not operate daily experience in dealing have.
In response I would have a reference to the files Rüchführbarkeit enough. Man is always looking in the first issue / the issue itself, without so quickly to the simplest solution.
Nevertheless, it is a fairly informative and synonymous my best forum!
Gruß Klaus
Antwort von Markus:
... I was on the reactions but astonished. Hi Klaus,
John is still relatively new here and the term RTFM has
only recently
Take him (too) bad. ;-)