Frage von noch ´n Gast:
Dear Leutz, after rummaging Information on the HV20, I am here
How beautiful it is here:
Can someone who has the camera, confirm, or it is not noticed or become "fixed"?
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Interesting! Has anyone here can make similar tests?
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Everything runs on the rolling shutter effect "also.
So a general CMOS problem.
Even with
Sony The recent comments of the thread can hope to react. However, there is nobody here at Slashcam, which with a current / new CMOS Cam could test?
@ ALL: Or?
Antwort von weitwinkel:

do you think the theme here?
or ventilator example:
gruß cj
Antwort von Nightfly!:

Hello "weitwinkel"!
I think the following picture of the shift in the described Sonyand wave effect "sweep"
Pictures here Videos only of HV20 in the thread of 'nor' s guest ":
Link1 Link2 Gruß,
Antwort von sdMAX:

Did the owner of the HV20 here similar "wobbing" experience? How does the Wobbing on time or better, this is a permanent condition or when a longer recording only zwichenzeitlich?
I do not want me after my vacation on the beautiful landscape shots and then look at this blurry picture ever to have.
I'm still before the purchase of between 20 and HV SonySR8 or the CX6. In the HV20, I probably would in any case, an additional micro schonmal when I drive as far as to prevent noise and I would have with "wobbing" expected. In the Picture Sonydürfte a bit worse, they are more expensive, wobbing others may eventually occur extent synonymous but I could maybe the WW use my old TRV60 - serious decision.
@ Wolfgang
Very nice Blogg. Really interesting and thank you for the trouble!
Have you seen alongside the new HV20 already SonyCX6 and SR7 / 8 held in the hand. Had super if you're so kind to me in two sentences could write what you personally as a "Urlaubscam" would prefer.
Antwort von iotatau:

Did the owner of the HV20 here similar "wobbing" experience? How does the Wobbing on time or better, this is a permanent condition or when a longer recording only zwichenzeitlich? I have since about two months, a HV20 and about 10 h previously filmed. The "Wobbling" ( "Wabern") is with me so far only rarely occurred. ME is associated with vibration. Example: Recently, I signed the Stunt Show in Movie Park Babelsberg. The spectators sit on a stage with a floor made of metal plates aufweist. At the beginning of the show, there is a "warm up", in which the body s.einer people with their feet to trample. In these 3 s of 25 min recording, in which the ground vibrates, "wabert" the picture, the rest is good. Similarly, a frequently cited example in order to assess where an HV20 from a helicopter to film.
For me the much bigger problem with the HV20 is what I am with the high resolution material start. HD-DVD or BluRay burners are still expensive, most friends and acquaintances have traditional television and DVD player for web presentation is for many AVC/H.264 Calculator still too demanding.
Drive noises, I was with my HV20 records have never been disturbed, although I have no external micro establishment. More important accessories in my eyes: ordinary tripod, spare batteries, wide-angle converter.