Frage von bienem1:
Halli Hallo,
I have two months since the SonyDCR SR290E and have the problem that I am now two video editing programs and have Magix Pinaccle for both Studio and I have no soundtrack!
The two programs do not find the camcorder, so I play the videos first on the hard drive and want them to call, but the soundtrack is missing! With Unlead Although I have a sound, but have since problems with the burning to DVD!
Can someone help me or say what video editing program to the above camcorder knows or has a sound?
I would be grateful you
Liebe Grüße
Antwort von radiohead3:

Presumably lies again s.Dolby (AC3) sound that your programs only with the appropriate filter (plugin) can.
With a little skill but could you maybe the sound with a sound program analog tap
Antwort von radiohead3:

What is that exactly?
Kenn am unfortunately not so good?
Best regards bee
Antwort von radiohead3:

The Camera description synonymous lt has an analog S-Video / audio output
"Emergency" could be a sound with the program, so if you sync your video nachvertonen can is another question.
Better would be if the camera software would be stored in the AVI via firewire permit if not.
Antwort von radiohead3:

Hab grad read that the CAM synonymous Firewire (I-Link) has
So should you use this interface synonymous,
Antwort von Markus:

The fact that the
DCR-SR 290 a Firewire interface, I venture to doubt. It is finally an HDD camcorder.
I would be synonymous to see whether a software camcorder that is, the one with the recording format hochkomprimierte in DV-AVI / WAV can decompress. Possibly. times in the operating s.Page 25 to read.
Antwort von Videophreak:
Hab grad read that the CAM synonymous Firewire (I-Link), so you should use this interface synonymous, Hello!
I have this cam itself. Firewire is here sought in vain. But what is not so tragic, because transfer via USB, though not as fast as FireWire, but still faster than in real time.
Antwort von Videophreak:
Presumably lies again s.Dolby (AC3) sound that your programs only with the appropriate filter (plugin) can.
With a little skill but could you maybe the sound with a sound program analog tap Precisely because of it. :)
A program, which is the necessary plug-in has the Pinnacle Studio 11 and Adobe Premiere Elements 3.0