Frage von TISTEKOTO2010:Tach s.alle the kreuchen here in this forum so and flee. I am a beginner, but I would start with a fairly good camera. My perspective was sometimes in the direction SonyPD 170P.
My preferences are small films with a relatively busy sections: Talk Action movies. I do not attach particular importance to New because I only have ¬ 1100 and it ales are usually on eBay or Ähnkichem acquire Nich especially in poorer quality for up to 800 ¬ less.
What can you recommend me in this price range so?
Thank you apologize in advance
Antwort von TISTEKOTO2010:
Is there anyone
Antwort von Pianist:
Yes, there are very many. Most want to read but not so dahingestümperten Articles. Would you not your initial post again revise completely, so that one remembers that you yourself have dealt with the issue seriously?
Antwort von deti:
If you "want to turn movies, then buy yourself rather ne Canon EOS550D with Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8
To a spare battery, a shoulder support from China, a few memory cards and possibly one or two ND filters. You'll be in for 1100 - slightly - with the old Sony will mill you have any fun.
Antwort von TISTEKOTO2010:
Sorry, but I was very tired and have not been a contribution to a Forum, never opens the a new topic. But thank you for helping me have the same.
Antwort von TISTEKOTO2010:
Thank schonmal. I called denkedie Camera is good, I would just like to ask whether she is working with höflichts SLR?
Antwort von TISTEKOTO2010:
Sorry I just read that she works with SLR.
Antwort von TISTEKOTO2010:
Where can I read it straight again, what are ND filters and their impact?
Antwort von Bernd E.:
Antwort von TISTEKOTO2010:
As I am now keenly aware, I have in my various komment
Spelling installed. Please excuse, it's usually not my kind can express myself in such a way and manner which suggests a not particularly high, most intelligent quotient.
Antwort von TISTEKOTO2010:
Traderjob thank you that was the answer so quickly.
Antwort von minidv:
Even better would be if you were editing your posts instead of making some posts within a few minutes. :-)
Otherwise, you are served with a well-550D, for a start ..